Chapter VI

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  • Dedicated to Fluff

Ever since the trio had left for the grocery store, Matt hadn’t sat down once.

        He ran around changing kids’ diapers, and checking on wounded kids.  There were all sorts of wounds, from kids with scratches and scrapes, where he would put disinfectant and a band-aid, to kids with twisted ankles, which he would rap in gauze.

        Then of course, there was Emily, with her fractured arm. Matt had continuously checked on her, to get her water, a damp towel, a blanket, some food, anything she needed to make the pain just a little more bearable.

        Strangely, every time Matt checked back on her, her arm seemed to look a little bit better. He swore he even saw one of her bones shift back into place, but he waved it off as a mixture of stress and his imagination.

        After everyone seemed satisfied, he started putting signs up outside that wrote:


We have your siblings here!

Turn left to get your brother or sister.

Babysitting your loved one under the age of six!


        Matt had figured that there were probably older brothers and sisters that needed to know where their younger siblings were.

Plus, Matt had way too many souls on his hands. If he could dump any of them on someone else, he wouldn’t think twice about it.

Matt quickly scurried home, before a baby started to cry, and woke the other ones up.

Matt walked in the door of the house he had lived in for the past three years. Surprisingly, there was no crying, no one that had gotten another scratch, or needed a diaper changing. There was only peace and quiet.

So, the logical thing to do was do more work!

With fifty seven kids in Matt’s care, he was going to need more space.

He knew that to the left of his condo, there were three more condos, with no kids living in them. So, Matt figured no one would need those houses, so he might as well make something out of them.

He took the wall to his left, and pushed against it with his palms. He felt the heat rise from his chest and spread throughout his arms, until they reached his palms. From there, a pulsing flame fired out of his palms, and licked at the walls.

As the fire began to spread, eating away at the dry wooden frame of the old house, Matt opened up the water faucet. As the water ran down the tube, Mat spread his palms wide, and made an upward motion with his hands. As he did this, the water, started to go out of the tube and head upward, piling together, into a giant bubble at the top of the room. From there, Matt flicked his wrists, and the water moved to dampen the edges of the wall.

As the fire reached the damp areas of the wall, it took longer to burn through the moist wood, allowing matt the put out the fire completely.

Matt may have the powers of fire, water, earth, and air, but fire is an uncontrollable element. Matt can create fire, but once it is started, he cannot manipulate it. Or put it out.

Luckily, Matt had the power of water, so it wasn’t that difficult to put out the fire.

Matt repeated this action for the other two walls on the other houses, allowing for an easy path between the four houses.

Altogether, it made twelve rooms, with one king sized beds, six king sized beds, and eight twin beds (some rooms had two twins in them), and two pullout couches (the couches that turned into beds). Plus, Matt had brought three cribs from the day-care. Altogether, the four houses could sleep about 39 people in the beds and couches, and eight babies in the cribs. That left ten people without a place to sleep.

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