t w e n t y - o n e

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I turn my head and notice Ryder near the entrance of the bar. "Ryder?" I quickly get off my seat and walk to him. I know that all my friends are watching intently. "What are you doing here?"

"Um, don't blame me, Adam wanted to see you," he says. 

"Adam is here?" I ask. 

"That's not what I meant by we'll come up with an excuse," Adam walks in. 

"Guys, what are you doing here, but most importantly, how did you know about this place?"

"Ryder and his friends followed you here once," Adam says while smirking at Ryder. 

"You followed me?" I ask Ryder. "Why?"

"Well, you're hiding something from us about Marley and we want to know. She's the best singer we had in the group and then all of a sudden she left, without any explanation," he says. 

I turn around and look at Alex. All she does is shrugs. 

"Okay, you want to know where Marley is? Fine, but you're the one that asked. Marley passed away years ago, that's why you haven't heard from her. She moved on to a better place, to have a better life and I know for a fact that she is happy because she's not in a place where she is made fun of everywhere she goes and cheated on. She just wanted it all to stop and it did. So, there," I say frustrated. They have to stop asking me about Marley. I don't know what else to say. This is the only thing that will make the questions stop. 

"She died?" Ryder asks in disbelief. 

"Ryder, look, I know you also went out with her, even though it was just for a day, but she's in a better place, trust me," I say. I don't want to lie to him about me being Marley but I just can't deal with people finding out about me. 

"Ryder, are you hear?" I see Blaine walk into the bar. Blaine looks around until his eyes land on Barry. Barry looks confused. "Sebastian, what are you doing here?"

"Um, Sebastien? I'm sorry, I think you have the wrong person," Barry says with confusion. "I'm Barry Allen," he holds out his hand for Blaine to shake. 

"Just a second, you guys better stay here, we're not done yet," I say to Adam and Ryder. 

"Barry," I say and have him follow me to the back. "Okay, so slight confusion. Yes, I am Marley, before you ask. But more importantly, that is Blaine, not the Music Meister, I know they look alike but that's not him. And lastly, Blaine thinks your Sebastien because on this earth there is a look-a-like of you, Sebastien Smythe. He's the lead singer of the Warblers, an all-boys choir."

"Wow, that's a lot of information, also, Sebastien Smythe is also a good singer like me?" He smirks. 

"Yes, but no time for jokes," I say and we both go back to face Adam, Ryder, and Blaine. 

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