Chapter 2: All Eyes on Me

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I looked up at the security guard, in complete shock. Did he really just say that I'm that "lucky girl"? The guard motioned with his hand for me to follow him. I looked back at Sarah, who was still in complete shock. I turned around and decided to obey the guard.

I followed him to the aisle as he led me to the side of the stage. He separated the barricade, allowing me to pass through and led me behind the stage. A woman with dark brown hair, chocolate brown eyes and a microphone on her ear approached me.

"Hi, my name is Christine," she said, smiling as she reached out her hand. I shook it, not really aware of what was happening still. "You're the lucky girl of the night! John, one of the boy's security guards, chose you to be the lucky girl."

"What do you mean by 'lucky girl'? I'm still confused," I say, tucking a piece of hair behind my ear, something I do when I'm nervous.

She smiled widely at me. "The boys are going to sing to you!" As soon as she said those words, I could feel the color leave my face. She tilted her head back, laughing loudly. "Don't be so nervous! Just do me a favor and don't pass out or puke on one of them?" I grinned a little, trying not to panic in front of her. One Direction was going to sing to me? How the hell...

I was snapped out of my trance as Christine took my wrist. "It's time," she said, leading me to the steps on the side of the stage. I heard the crowd roar even louder. I looked up to see Niall walking towards me. My heart skipped a beat as he approached me.

"Hey," he smiled, but then frowned. "You ok?" I gulped as I twiddled my thumbs. Wow, Brooke, way to act calm. I managed to nod my head. "What's your name?"

I tried to speak, but my throat was so dry that I fell into a coughing fit. He chuckled as I struggled to stop the coughing. "Here," he said, handing me a water bottle. I smiled at him and took a drink.

"Thanks...sorry, I'm just so nervous," I squeaked. "My name's Brooke."

His beautiful blue eyes lit up when I spoke. "That's a beautiful name," he grinned. " what's gonna happen is you're gonna sit down in this stool," he said, pointing to the stool to his right. "That's all you need to do. I'm not giving you any more details. It's a surprise," he said, chuckling lightly as he smiled at me. I looked down at my feet, too nervous to meet his gaze.

I looked up again, but this time, I saw Harry walking towards Niall and I. He smiled at me and I weakly smiled back. He walked by Niall and grabbed the stool, carrying it to the center of the stage. The crowd broke out into screams. I gulped, but calmed a bit as I looked back to Niall who was staring at me.

I felt his hand wrap around my wrist. "You ready?" He asked, looking into my green eyes. I nodded reluctantly. He pulled me up the steps and onto the stage. The bright lights were blinding. Luckily, the lights were so bright that I couldn't even see the crowd. Calm immediately rushed over me as I looked out into the sea of white lights. Niall led me to the stool and I sat down. As he let go of my wrist, he winked at me. I felt the color immediately going to my cheeks, and I smiled.

Music began playing, and I soon recognized the song: "Little Things". My heart began accelerating as Zayn approached me. He took my hand into his and stared into my eyes.

Your hand fits in mine like it's made just for me

But bear this in mind, it was meant to be

And I'm joining up the dots with the freckles on your cheeks
As he sang that line, he put his hand on my cheek. It suddenly felt like the room was a thousand degrees.

And it all makes sense to me

Zayn smiled at me and turned around, walking to the left side of the stage. Liam approached me and sang the second verse as I sat there, cheeks so red that I probably looked like a tomato. Louis and Harry sang their parts to me, circling me. I laughed as Harry made silly faces to help calm my nerves. I mouthed a 'thank you' to him, and he winked at me. Harry, Louis, Liam, and Zayn walked off together to the side of the stage as Niall walked towards me. I could feel my palms starting to sweat as his blue eyes looked into my green eyes. So much for calmed nerves.

As Niall reached me, he took both of his hands and put mine in his. I hadn't noticed that one of the boys pulled another stool next to me, and Niall sat down, turning his body towards me. His eyes sparkled as he rubbed his thumbs over my hands. Electricity immediately ran up my arm and I stared into his eyes.

You'll never love yourself half as much as I love you

You'll never treat yourself right darling, but I want you to

If I let you know I'm here for you

Maybe you'll love yourself like I love you, oh...

I expected Harry to come over and circle my stool again, but he and the other boys remained at the side of the stage. Niall remained by my side and he never looked away from me. I struggled to keep my breathing steady as Niall continued serenading me. Then the boys finally ended the song.

I'm in love with you

And all your little things

Once Niall sang the last line, he leaned in and pecked me on the cheek. Butterflies immediately filled in my stomach and heat flushed to my cheeks. He grinned at me and whispered in my ear, "hey, you didn't pass out." I giggled as he pulled me up from the stool.

"Give Brooke a round of applause," Naill said into the microphone, and the crowd immediately cheered. I smiled and waved. I saw Christine motion for me to walk over to her, so I smiled at all of the boys and walked back to the steps. Before I reached the last step, I felt that hand grip my wrist again. I spun around and nearly bumped heads with Niall.

His cheeks turned red as he looked at me. "Hey, Brooke," he started. He suddenly looked down at his feet, avoiding my gaze. I looked at him with a confused look. He finally looked back at me. "I was wondering if you'd wanna come backstage and hang out with me and the boys after the concert?"

I was shocked, yet again. I reminded myself to keep my cool. "Yes, I would love that," I smiled, nodding. He breathed a sigh of relief. I started to turn back around.

"Wait," he called after me. I looked back at him. "Stay can watch from there. I don't want you to get lost in the crowd." My heart swelled as he scratched the back of his neck and looked at the floor again.

"I would love to, trust me...but I came here with my friend. She's in the back of the stadium and I don't wanna leave her there."

He nodded, understanding. "No problem. I'll have John find her and bring her backstage to meet you. Just give him the section and seat number. I'll see you after the show?" He questioned, looking into my eyes.

I nodded. "See you after the concert, Niall Horan," I grinned. He pulled me in for a hug before he ran back on stage to finish the concert.

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