Chapter 20: Surprises

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Hello everyone!

1,600 reads?! I posted the first chapter a little over a month ago, and I cannot believe I have this many reads already...I hope that means it's a good story? (I only have 76 votes, so does it suck or something...?) Haha anyways, thank you all SO much!

I know I posted not long ago saying I'd update every Sunday, Wednesday and Friday...well, I started volunteering four days a week so I'm really busy now. I hate to do this, but I can now only post every Friday! I know you'll probably all hate me, but I didn't think I'd be this busy I leave for college five weeks from today, so after that, I probably won't update much. I'M SORRY BUT I'LL DO MY BEST.

By the way, I hope you love the new cover! The old cover was too plain and basic, so I decided to make a new one. I wanted both Niall and Lucy on the cover, so I spent hours trying to find the perfect pictures. After much searching, cutting + pasting, editing, and frustration, I decided on this one! The 'L' is a little cut off, but oh well. I don't know about you guys, but I love it!

Okay, enough of that. Enjoy the next chapter :) <3

Love always,



"Will you please just tell me where you're taking me?" I sigh as Niall climbs into the car next to me.

"Of course I won't," he says, winking. "You should know I love planning surprises for you."

"Niall!" I squeal. "If you think I'm going to--"

I'm silenced as Niall places his finger on my lips. "Oh be quiet, Ms. Darcey," he whispers against my face, his breath tickling my skin.

Just as I'm about to protest, the vehicle comes to a stop. I look out the window to see we're at London International Airport. 

Niall gets out of the car and comes around the other side, opening my door for me. "Thanks," I smile as I walk to the curb. "But we have to fly again?" I frown.

He strides over and takes my hand in his, intertwining our fingers. "Yes, but don't worry; the flight is quite short," he grins.

The flight was actually kinda long: three hours, to be exact. As the jet pulls up to a jet way, Niall jumps out of his seat and walks over to me. "You ready?" He asks, a huge smile on his face.

"I guess," I murmur. "If I knew where we are, I'd be more excited."

Niall raises his brow at my response, smiling even wider. "Well then, Brooke Darcey," he starts as he takes my hand, pulling me up from my seat. He pulls me along into the jet way and into the airport terminal, then turns around to face me, our hands still joined. "Welcome to Liverpool!"

My eyes go wide. "Shut up!" I yell as I punch his arm. "You can't be serious!"

Niall roars with laughter and places his arm around my shoulders. "Oh, I'm quite serious," he beams. His tone suddenly changes. "Welcome to Liverpool; I'm your tour guide, Mr. Horan," he says, voice deep and serious. "First stop is The Cavern Club." I cover my mouth, trying to stifle my giggles, but end up bursting into a fit of laughter. I can't take Niall seriously when he tries to act all serious. Niall looks down at me, eyebrows furrowed in frustration, but quickly joins in the laughter.

As Niall leads me out of the airport, I look to see a black double-decker bus with The Beatles logo printed across it sitting at the curb. A short bald man in a black suit is standing in front of the bus, holding a sign that reads 'Miss Brooke Darcey.' I pull Niall's arm back, signaling for him to stop walking. He looks back at me, his face twisted in confusion. I stand on my tip toes so that I can whisper in his ear. "This is perfect," I tell him. He simply smiles.

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