Chapter 19: On The Road Again

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As promised, here is the next chapter! :)

I know I said I wasn't going to do songs for each chapter, but I'm including a certain song in this chapter. When it gets to that point, you HAVE to listen to it. It's probably my favorite song and it's absolutely beautiful.

"Yesterday" by The Beatles (I put a video of the song on here)


Anyways, happy reading :)


When the car pulls over to the curb at the airport, Niall hops out of the car and opens my door for me.

"Thanks," I smile up at him, heat rising to my cheeks.

The driver takes our suitcases out of the trunk for us and Niall thanks him.

"Here." I hand the driver a $50 tip.

"No, I'll pay," Niall insists.

I push his hand away. "No, you do so much for me, Niall. Please, take it," I tell the driver. He smiles back at me, gets into the car and drives off.

Niall takes our suitcases and begins walking to the terminal. I follow behind him, struggling to keep up. Why is he walking so damn fast? I pull out my phone to see it's 8:50. Oh...that's why.

After going through security, we finally make our way to the 'private' terminal. I look up to the see the boys looking towards us. Liam has a scowl on his face, and the other three look annoyed.

"Sorry we're late, lads," Niall apologizes.

Are we really that late?

"Yeah, you two are a half hour late," Zayn snorts.

"It's my fault," I blurt out. "If there's anyone to blame, it's me. I'm sorry guys." The boys look back at me apologetically. "My mom made me clean up my room so that took a while. It would have taken longer had Niall not helped me. Plus the line at security was awful."

Louis nods. "Hey, it's alright. You guys are here now. Let's go, yeah?"

Niall interlocks our hands as we follow Louis to the jet way.

When we board the familiar plane, I take my usual seat, as does Niall.

"Hey guys!" A female voice calls. I look up to see Christine boarding the plane.

"Christine!" I cheer, running up to give her a hug.

She laughs as she hugs me back. "You didn't forget about me, did you?" She asks.

"Of course not," I lie.

Yeah, I did forget. But you can't really blame me...she wasn't going to be travelling with us everywhere at first; I still had to get used to her being with us.

"Well good then," she smiles. "Where should I sit?"

Niall points to a seat at the back of the plane across from Harry.

"Ugh, I have to sit with Harry?" She groans jokingly.

"I heard that!" Harry yells. Christine chuckles as she walks to the back of the plane, rolling her suitcase behind her.

I turn to Niall. "So, where are we going now?"

"You should know my answer," he replies, smirking.

"Let me's a surprise," I mock in his accent.

He laughs. "Someone's feisty today, eh?" I shoot him daggers, which only makes him laugh more.

"Alright, we're cleared for takeoff," the pilot announces into the intercom. I squeeze my eyes shut as the plane roars to life.

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