Chapter 3 - Get out

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When we came back inside I found my brother walking towards my dads office with a smirk on his face. I ran upstairs to my room and plopped on my bed and saw I had a few texts.

'Your mom said you went missing. Come over and take me with you.' That was from Ryan. The next text was surprising. It was from Anthony, 'Hey heard you ran away, Logan told me you kissed him. Why would you kiss my little brother? I thought you liked me. I'm hurt, I really am. Talk to me please'.

I felt bad, but on the other hand I didn't know Logan was Anthony's brother!

I decided to call Anthony. He picked up on the 2nd ring. "Tessa? What's wrong? Are you in trouble? Do I need to come get you?" I tried hard to keep in a laugh.

"I am fine Anthony, but can you come get me? I cant be here right now." I pleaded to him.

I opened my door to see if any one was coming. I heard my mother closing her bedroom door and I shut my door quickly.

"Yeah, of course I can Tessa, text me the address and I can be there in 10 minutes." He explained.

I thanked him and hung up and texted him the address and started packing a bag. I grabbed clothes for school tomorrow and I grabbed my backpack and packed everything I needed. I heard a knock on my door.

"Come in." I said grabbing for my clothes on my dresser. "You have a random boy down stairs. Tell him to leave." I turn to see my mother standing at my door. I shook my head.

"I'm leaving with him mom, I can't stay here right now. Jason's going to hurt me. Don't say he won't because he will, I know him better than you do." I swung my backpack onto my back and grabbed the duffle bag I put my clothes in. "Bye mom." I grab my phone and my charger and walk past her feeling her eyes on my back.

Her baby girl was leaving, she lost her son already and she was soon to loose him again. I walked past my fathers office and I peeked in and saw him working on his computer. I open the door and see my brother on the floor knocked out.

"Bye dad." I closed the door and walked to the front door to see Anthony on the front porch.

"Your mom told me to leave, I told her no. Was that a good choice?" He asked a bit worried.

I nodded my head and looked at him. "Thanks for coming to get me, I couldn't stand being there anymore."

He nods and pulls me into a hug and kisses my head, "I'll be there for you when ever you need me to be Tessa." He smiles at me and takes my bag and leads me to the car. He was in front of me and I noticed the muscles on his back when he adjusted to grab his keys from his pocket.

He opens the passenger door for me and turns around. "You coming or am I leaving you here?"

I quickly get to his car and sit in the seat and put my backpack on my lap.

"I can put that in the back." He suggests. I nod and hand him my bag and I sit quietly in the car while he puts the stuff in the trunk.


When we go to his house his mother was standing at the door waiting for him with her hands on her hips. "You leave with out telling me where you are going and I get worried enough to tell your dad if he sees you to tell me." He already grabbed my bags and helps me out of the car when his mother is quiet for a second.

"Mom, this is Tessa, she's having home trouble. She called me and I went to go pick her up. Don't. Worry, I'll call dad in a few minutes to tell him I am fine, I'm going to get Tessa set up in the guest room."

He guided me upstairs past his room and Logan's room. He opens a door and I see pastel blue walls and a cream bed. "Wow, this is beautiful-" I felt a pair of lips on mine and a arm pull me closer. The kiss was soft and full of feelings and passion. He pulls away and smiles and leans his forehead against mine.

"You're beautiful and don't ever think I won't help you, I will always be there for you as long as I know Logan's not in this picture."

I smile at him and he embraces me into a hug. I feel something warm placed on my cheek and he pulls away. He frowns slightly and and wipes away a tear I didn't know I had falling down my cheek.

"Don't cry angel, come on I'll show you the bathroom and you can get ready for bed. Sadly we have school tomorrow."

He intertwined our hands and laces his fingers around mine. I look down at the floor and I follow slowly grabbing my bag. "Ok, let's go." He starts walking down the hallway when I hear a coughing from behind me.

"Anthony Wayne Turner! Where are you going?" I turn and see his mom tapping her foot.

"Mom, I'm showing her the bathroom. If you have a problem with that you can make your other son, the perverted one to show her where the bathroom is." When he said that Logan's door opened.

"What are you two- well hello cutie, come to sneak in and see me?" Logan says looking me up and down.

I shake my head at him and hug Anthony, his mother wasn't happy about what he said to me though. "Logan! I have taught you better than to treat a girl like meat. You apologize right this moment and go back to bed."

"Sorry cutie. I really am." He smirks at me and closes his door as he goes to bed. "Ok, let's you get you to the bathroom it's late already."


The next morning I woke up to someone holding on to me from behind. Thinking it was Logan I shove the person off the bed.

"Ow, ok now I know not to cuddle with you when you are crying in your sleep." The voice came from Anthony.

I started giggling at him as he rubbed his chest from falling.

"You ok now? Can I go get ready or do you want to cry a bit more?" My laughing stopped and looked at him confused.

"I was crying? Sorry you had to come in here, I guess I had a nightmare and slept cried." He nodded and kissed my forehead.

"Like I said I'm here for you, I'm going to go get ready. You want to wear my leather jacket?" I nod and hug him.

"Thank you Anthony." I smile at him and I push him out of the guest room. "I have to get ready, get out."


I grabbed his leather jacket from him and he pulls me towards him. I look up at him and he just smiles like a dork. He tilts my head up and gives me a small kiss leaving me for wanting more. The murmurs around us get louder every second.

I look up at Anthony and pout. "Why are people starring?"

"Because they're jealous of such a beautiful girl that is with me." He helps me off of his motorcycle and hands me my bag and we start walking inside when he intertwines our hands together and walks me to my first class.

"Bye Tessa I'll see you after home room. I'll meet you in first hour." He gives me a hug and kisses my forehead before walking down the hall meeting up with his friends.


Yay!!!! Another chapter done! Wow chapter 3. Sorry I have been so busy! Summer school is half way done and I can start writing when I go to Oregon at the end of the month! Woo!!!! Anyways wow Anthony is really trying to get Tessa. To bad Logan's in the picture.... OOPS SPOILER! /_\ don't kill me!

Till the next chapter



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