I'm with you till the end of the line

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"Come on all you have to do is shine my shoes, take out the trash, it'll be like old times" "Thank you Buck. But I can get by on my own." "The thing is..you don't have to. I'm with ya till the end of the line pal."

"Hey! Pick on someone your own size. I think you like getting picked on." "I had em on the ropes" "107th. Sergeant James Barnes." "Where are we going?" "The future."

"Let's hear it for Captain America!"

"Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes. Best Friends since childhood"

"Grab my hand! BUCKY!!!"

"Then finish it. Cause I'm with ya till the end of the line"

"You pulled me from the river, why?" "I don't know" "Yes you do"

"You ready?" "Yeah"

"He's my friend"

The world is ending. That's what kept going through Bucky's head, the world will end if they don't stop this being called Thanos from destroying it. Jesus Christ, he only came out of cyro for a day and now he's already back on the battlefield killing these aliens. This must've been what Steve felt, speaking of him where was Steve?

Bucky looked around hoping to spot his boyfriend, but he couldn't see him. Bucky fired more rounds at the aliens but he still felt worried, where was Steve?

Steve was not having a good day. The world will end if they don't stop a being named Thanos who is like a god from destroying it, and he's now battling aliens. Huh. It's just like when Loki invaded all over again. And to top it all off, he just got stabbed by one of the aliens, "Ghk..!" Steve elbowed the alien in the face and fell on his knees, "Steve!" His eyes widened. No way, was that who he thought it was? "Bucky?" Bucky rushed over to his boyfriend and knelt down beside him, "Shit." Bucky said when he saw the knife still inside of Steve "Fuck, ok I'm going to take that out ok baby? It'll hurt a bit, but I'll promise I'll make it quick"

Steve grunted when Bucky pulled out the spear, he apologized and examined the wound, to Bucky's relief it was already healing. Bucky helped Steve up "Ready for another war?" He asked "What you getting sleepy?" Bucky laughed and kissed Steve on the cheek, "Um..sorry to break up this romance but we got to meet Tony and the others" Sam said. Steve nodded "Guys! Let's go!" They all began running, Bucky ran next to Steve. They were gonna be with each other

Till the end of the line

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