The Plan

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Laile would sneak the boy food and herbs everyday to help him heal. He appreciated it very much. Every time she went to see him he said "thank you" atleast 10 times.

During the day she would go out and sell herbs or sweep sidewalks for gold. After a few weeks of hard work she had enough to buy a chicken from the butcher and some potatos from the market.

She brought the food to the orphanage and started cooking the chicken and potatos they would have mashed potatos and chicken tonight.

She added some herbs to help everyone "sleep" tonight, But they didnt know. She had put some potatos and chicken aside so her and the boy can eat before they excape.

They had a variety of things they had collected for escaping. They had some rope they found around a tree. A small cast iron skillet they stole from the orphanages kitchen. They had a lighter they found in a Neighbors trashcan. Laile stole two thin cotton blankets off the beds, and a few knifes, forks, and spoons from the kitchen.

Gaven and laile both had gotten day jobs and had saved up some gold to help with items for when they escape. They had baught a pack for gaven since laile already had one and some canned food and water bottles when they were on sale. They had some gold left over they would use that along the way.

They were ready.

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