chapter 2

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It only took them five minutes  to get  to their home. racing up the stairs in less than a second allowing his brother to open the door, stepping inside with two strokes he was beside his bed laying her down gentle. looking down on her innocent face she look so peaceful with no care in the world.

touching her checks he could feeling her shiver under his touch pulling the cover over her.he walk to the arm chair in the far cornor of his room thinking to himself why did he bring her to his room.


Feeling a cold hand on her cheek sending shiver down her spin only to feel a cover been pulled over her. Forcing her eyes open her vision was blurry blinking it away she could see that were she was, was  dark it felt like a room, feeling the bed she knew instantly that she was not in her room. Sitting up, she felt light headed ignoring it.Leah swung her legs over the edge of the bed she felled on her hands and knees forcing herself up, she made her way to the door.

"Where do you think you're going?" a male voice whispered in her ear. She froze in her mid step. Turning slowly to see who was behind her but nobody was there, she slowly walked towards the door with arms stretching in reach of the knob then the voice crept up on her once again sending shivers down her spin. She turn around again and saw  aboard shoulder muscular handsome guy she stop in her tracks for about 2 minutes taking the beauty that beheld her eyes. She held her breath stepping back feeling for the door hitting her back feeling for the knob. Leah open the door as quick as possible.

seeing that another man was at the foot of the stairs staring up at her with a smirk across his handsome  face with hands cross at his chest . With both hands on the railing, she turned to head back up the stairs to only see the other guy smiling. 

Backing up against the wall sliding down. Her tears started rolling down her checks uncontrollable.

"Please don't hurt me!" she scream. 

"Ah if we were gonna to hurt you we would have a long time ago" the one at the top of the stairs said  just grinning down on her. fear beheld her pushing herself up from the wall, Leah started for the end of the stairs she press her back against the railing. To her surprise the one at the bottom of the stairs, he stepped a side to let her pass.

"I like a cat and mouse chase " he said grinning. 

racing for the door her hair flying to her face pushing it back she saw him leaning on the door.

"Let me state one thing, i'm Damion and you're not going any where" he said. stepping back she hit a solid wall of muscles. placing one hand on her shoulder and using the other to pull back her hair over one shoulder.

"And i'm Zelman " bending his head to kiss between her shoulder blade and neck. "Hmmmm your blood smell nice".the sound of blood send shivers down her spin.

Damion stepping in-front of her taking her chin in his hand tilting her head to look deep in her eyes."Your eyes are turning deep pink you ......." leaving his sentence in mid air. 

Zelman squeezing  Leah's shoulders because of what Damion said. "WHAT!?" 

"Please stop! You're hurting me!" she screamed. 

he spins her around to face him forcing her to look in his eye's. "It can't be........Damion........" trailing off with his name.

"Heard you brother" was all Damion said.

Looking in Zelman eye's the only thing Leah could think of to say was "I'm scared" was the last thing she remembered.


"You're eye's are turning deep pin......" leaving his sentence in mid air zelman he could tell what was on his brother mind they could read each other minds and anyone else.

"Zeleena" squeezing the girl shoulders.


"please stop! you're hurting me!" Zelman loosen his grip on the young girl shoulders. Instantly Zelman spins her around to face him, she then look at him and said "i'm scared" she said she did look terrified to Zelman, that's when she fall at their feet's. Looking at each other they knew  what to do sighing in unison.Damion step of leaving for his office.

Zelman looked at the girl bending using one hand to pull her to her feet. supping to pull her over his shoulder. Walking towards the back room, he lay her down on the bed then check all the windows and doors are closed. Step to the door he turn around to see the unconscious girl on the bed before closing the door with his key's. 

pressing his head against the door " you've got to be kidding me" he said before walking away.


picture is zelman 

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