chapter 3

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  • Dedicated to Courtleigh Dennis

"Leah.....Leah you have stay home alone today mommy promise she'll be back" 

"OK" you could hear the disappoint in her voice.

Stepping outside to catch the bus not knowing it would be the last time seeing  her daughter, she then turn to leave. she heard her say "i love you mommy" 

"mommy love you too, mommy will bring you some ice-cream if you be a good girl". 

Twinkling blue eyes stare after her mother making sure she made it to the bus stop. as she was about  to close the door, she heard a loud crashing sound looking where her mother was only to see her mothers lifeless body slamming to the ground. 



Leah sitting up instantly trying to forget the night mare she's been having since she was 8 years old. wiping away the tears and cold sweat away from her face. Tyring  to steady her breathing she releases that she was still in the clothing from day before. Sighing she step towards the door. freezing in front of the door she releases that she is not in her room. Everything from the night before came rushing back to her.

trying the door if it was locked. fresh tears running down her checks. Running to the windows, it was no use trying to open it, it wouldn't move. Rushing across the room to try door again instead she bang on it.

"HELP ME, SOMEBODY PLEASE HELP ME!" She screamed. Shaking the door with all her  strenght.

Stepping away from the door, hugging her shaking body. She long for her mother to hold her like how she use to when she was alive. Having no idea where she is making her cry even more for her mothers protective arms.


"she's awake" Zelman said out of the blue.

"So" was damions reply.

"So we have to take her  home with us, you know that"

"Oh" he said spacing out 


Hearing foot steps on the other side of the door Leah curl back until her back was on the bed, shaking with fear. 

The door flow open and two men from last night came walking in. 

"Come with!" Zelman said straining in her eyes. 

Leah only feel herself been pulled with no control over her body. Opening her month to scream no sound came out.

Going down the stairs and opening the front door Leah had to close her eyes from the sun light. 

"get in" Damion said said pushing her in the car reversing out of the drive way they head out to an unknown destination.


After what seems like a long drive Leah open her eyes to see that she was no longer in the car from earlier but a limo. Didn't realize that she had fallen a sleep and her hair was now in a pony tail.

Sighing heavly she pulled her knees up to rest her head on them. About 15 minutes later the limo came to a stop.

Then the open looking up Leah only saw zelman eyes. 

"Get out' he command with a smile on his lips. 

Leah looked, she could feel the feel the fear making its way back in her eyes. which is still pink. She  know she didn't have a choice. Pulling her out he grab her elbow and drag her down the path that leads to a mansion. Leah never seen any thing so beautiful in her life. It almost looked like a castle. She had to run to keep up with Zelman.

"hey your hurting me"she scream at him . Zelman only sqeeze her elbow more. The next thing she knuw is that she was in a room.


pic is Damion 

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