moving on

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But now here I was. I wasn’t going to let Layla or Randy dictate my life anymore. I was over Randy Orton. Ok who was I kidding I was completely and hopelessly in love with him still. I want him to be there moping over me but I know he has moved on. He had gotten married to her soon after I left. Well I hope he doesn’t break her heart as he broke mine.

OK maybe I should tell you about myself I am Taylor McMahon. I am the youngest daughter of Vince and Linda McMahon. I am 26 years old and I have two older siblings Shane my older brother and Stephanie my older sister. I have five nieces and nephews. Declan James and Kenyon Jesse McMahon, sons of my brother and his wife, my sister-in -law Marissa. Aurora Rose, Murphy Claire & Vaughn Evelyn Levesque, daughters of Stephanie and her husband Paul "Triple H" Levesque. 

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