What happens when she goes to school and starts to meet a guy who looks like he can't crontrol himself and she starts to have headacks and her eyes are slowly changing colors and she feels like something is coming alive inside of her will she find t...
My stupid alarm clock woke me up and I realized its my first day at a new school for senior year. I wake up and walk to my bathroom and hop in my nice hot shower and brushed my hair and then hoped out the shower after 20min and then I brushed my teeth and walked to my bedroom and changed into some nice clothes
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I check the time to see 7:20 I quickly run downstairs grab a fruit bar and hop in my white Range Rover just so you know I am not spoiled my dads a doctor and I didn't ask for it but it's one of the best gifts ever. ____________________________________ I arrived at the school and park my car .i walk to the office to get my locker number and schedule. I reach my locker and then this girl bumps into me
HEY WATCH IT-I say as I pick up my books to see a nice red head girl OMG I AM SO SORRY I WASN'T WATCHING WERE I WAS GOING- she states as she helps me pick up my books
No I am sorry I kinda over reacted it's my first day and I don't know anyone-I say to here while she hands me my books
Well maybe I can be your friend since I know don't really have any-she states with a huge smile
I'm summer, summer queen-I hand her one of my hands to shake
O I am Kayla, Kayla Margo-she says as she shakes my hand
I open my locker and place my books in while talking to Kayla she seems pretty cool I am surprised she doesn't really have friends. While me and Kayla were talk the hall suddenly got quite and everyone was looking behind me
What is everyone staring at-I say confused I slowly turn around to see a bunch of guys who are trying to act like there in a movie and walking down in slow mo. I turn around to Kayla who is still staring at the boys
Why is everyone drooling over these boy-I say looking at Kayla and everyone else around me
Those are the football players the one on the right with dirty blond hair and green eyes is like he is the smart one and the guy on the left with brown hair and brown eyes is cold he is the lady's type but tries to keep up with his grade so he can graduate and last but not least is Jacob Wolf the guys with blue eyes and black hair the one who is the quarterback and the one the girls mostly love
I turn around to see Jacob and I notice he has the blue eyes the beast had last night all of a sudden he looks at me. OMG there the same eyes he all go a sudden stops and so does everyone else.and the he just walks away like nothing happening with the rest of his football team following him
That was weird-Kayla started looking at me
Why you looking at me-I stated at Kayla with a confused look on my face
Because summer he was staring at you like he knew you-Kayla stayed with the same confused expression as me
Well I don't know who he is- I stated truthfully Because I didn't know who he was and why he was looking at me
*bell rings*
What class you have-Kayla said to me
English,you-I say hoping she has the same class
Same, come on before we are late-she says walking towards class as I follow her ——————————————————————————————— Me and Kayla arrive in class and sit in the far back. A couple minute have last and the guy from the hallway Jacob I think was his name and half of his squad walked in. I notice when Jacob walked in he quickly looked in my eyes and then sat down right in front of me with his hand over his nose and mouth like I was trying to control hisself. Class started and Jacob still had his hand over his nose and mouth
Hey Kayla- I whisper so no one can hear Yeah summer-she whisper and stares at me. Do I smell weird to you-I say smelling myself No you smell perfectly fine-she states giving me a weird look as I was leaning back to my seat I notice that Jacob guy looking over his shoulder at me. ______________________________________________ The day went my and I notice I have about most of my classes with Jacob and Kayla but every-time I see Jacob he has his house cover once he looks at me It's finally lunch time and I take a seat with Kayla and start eating my salad
Hey summer you ok your eyes are like changing brown to blue-she says a little frighten
What..umm I will be right back-I say running to the janitors closet.
What the Hell is happening to me. I say seeing my eyes change color All of a sudden the door open and someone is standing behind me What the hell are you doing here-I turn around to see that Jacob guy Excuse me I don't know you-I say with a confused ex's press ion All of a sudden my head starts hurt like hell and it feels like someone is throwing a bunch of boulders at my head Ahhhhhhhh-I scream All of a sudden I am picked up by someone and I see Jacob but before I could say anything I pass out _____________________________________________________ All of a sudden I wake in the woods on the ground looking around to see on one What the hell-I say screaming Relax-I turn around to see Jacob standing right in front of me without a shirt What the hell am I doing here are you trying to raps me or something-I say backing away All of a sudden my head starts to have the pounding again Ahh Sh*t my head-I saying falling on the ground Then I see Jacob running up to me Hey it's going to be old-he says staring into my eyes Wait are you-o say looking into his eyes Sh*t your not supposed to know-he says while grabbing something in his pocket What are you doing-then all of a sudden he puts this bottle and puts it into my mouth and I start falling asleep ___________________________________________________ I soon wake up in the janitors closet What the hell-I say getting up looking around the closet Was it a dream,did I pass out-I say thinking to myself WHAT THE HELL HAPPEN TO ME DON'T FORGET TO FOLLOW AND COMMENT AND RATE
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