Chapter 6

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Harry's POv

What happened back there?

What exactly did Zayn mean by "Hunt"?

"Why did Zayn say 'They ate earlier' that shouldn't have mattered?

All of these thoughts rushed through my head as I walked home. I couldn't even sleep. I just couldn't comprehend what they meant.

How did Zayn know them?

How did he know what they wanted?

Were they going to eat me?

There is no way they were going to eat me, I am just over thinking this.

Murder me? Maybe. But eat me, no. The seemed to nice.

I dimissed my thoughts and got out of bed. I have to get ready and go to Zayn's. Hopefully, he will tell me what those guys want.

I walked into the bathroom and took off my clothes and stepped into the shower.

Why do people us the expression 'jump in th shower'?' I thought, Wouldn't you slip and fall? Like you could seriouslly hurt yourself. Why do people like those ugly cats? The ones with out fur, like what is wrong with people? Those things are inside out cats, and nobody likes them. I wonder why the alphabet has to be in that order? Maybe i want it to start with 'K'.

I get out of th shower, dry off, get dressed, and grab my phone. Then start my journey to Zayn's house.

When I get there I don't bother knocking, I just walk in.

"Zayn!" I yell out, no one answers.

I walk around the house occasionally calling Zayn. I look in the kitchen, the lving room, and his room. 

Wait, the library.

I walk into the library and see Zayn on the couch, sleeping. He has a book lying next to him, so I assume he fell asleep reading.

I walk over to him and gently shake him awake, "Zayn" I whisper, "Wake up."

He just rolls over.

"Zayn, wake up. It's Harry." I say a little louder. Nothing.

"Zayn!" I say louder. 

Wow,  he doesn't wake up deos he?

"ZAYN MALIK! GET OUT OF BED!" I pratically screamed.

He sat up alarmed, "WHAT?! WHO DIED?" 

"Nobody, but you need to explain to me what happened wiht those bys yesterday." I laugh.

"Oh, yeah." He grumbled, and got up walking to the kitchen.

I follow behind him, "Will you please tell me? I have the right to know."

"Yes I'll tell you but frist I am going to get something to drink."

I nod my head and walk into the livingroom. 

When he comes in he site on the otherside of the couch and says, "Before I start any questions?"

"Who were those guys?"

"Niall is the one with blonde hair, Liam is the one with short hair." He explains.

"Ok" I nod, "Why were they chasing me?"'

"How do I explain this," He mumbles under his breath.

"Just say it," I encourage him.

"Fine, but you will probably hate me."

"Would you just tell me! Ok, I was chased down by two of your friends yesterday, and i want to know why!" I yell.

"FINE! They are fucking cannibals, they were going to eat you. But I fucking stopped them." 

"WHAT?! Why are you friends with them?" I say shocked.

"Why the fuck do you think I am friends with them?" He said as if I should already know.

"I don't kno- wait." 

A/N: So i should probably tell you that for the rest of the chapter it will be pretty much like a normal fanfic and if you have never read one It will be very cheesy i guess, but i am me and hate cliche but this will be half cliche. SO ryan you could stop reading, because ya know yo are reading this for the cannibalism.

A few minutes pass and i just sit there, waiting for Zayn to say something.

"Why haven't you left yet?" He says.

"Why would I?" I question.

"Really" He laughs "You just found out that I am a fucking canibal and you aren't terrified?"

"No" I state calmly "You won't eay me."

"How do you know?"

"Becuase if you were going to eat me you would have by now." I say.

"I  wouldn't be to sure if i were you." Zayn said.

"Ok, look into my eyes and tell me you won't eat me."

"Fine," He sighs, looking into my eyes. "I prom- I can't do this."

"I know, I told you. I know you wouldn't eat me." I exclaimed.

We sit in silence just looking into each other's eyes. He slowly starts to lean in, and I find myself leaning in too. It feels like hours until we actually kiss, and suddenly he pulls away and walks into his room, not saying anything.

I just sit there shocked, Zayn Malik just kissed me, holy fuck. I then get up and slowley make my way home, thinking of nothing but the kiss.

Zayn's POV

Wow. What the fuck was that? 

It was amazing.


Tally MarksWhere stories live. Discover now