Chapter 17

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If my calculations are correct, there is only this chapter left and an epilogue. I don't want it to be over, this was such a great book. I think.. Idk, did you like the book? Well, maybe I'll write another one. I just have to think of a plot that could drag out to aleast five or ten chapters. 

Harry's POV 

Zayn never came to get me. I waited for the weekend, I even managed to avoid my parents. But on Monday, I decided to do all of my work for school and then go back Tuesday. Which is what I did. Later that week on Saturday, I tried to go home.

I am walking through the familiar trees, making my way home. I miss my bed, and Zayn. I really miss Zayn. When he didn't come to get me by Friday I started to get worried. 

When I approach the all to familiar door, I go to walk in, but Liam and Niall walk out first. They push me back a little bit, so I am not right in front of the door. 

"Can I go into my house? You know? The one I live in." I said.

"No." Niall says.

"Zayn doesn't want you to see him right now. He will get you when he can." Liam explains.

"Can you at least tell him something?" 

"As long as it isn't 'I love you' or 'I miss you' then yes, yes we can." Niall says.

"Ok," I think over what I could tell him. "Oh! Tell him that I started going to school again, and that I'm graduating on the 21st. If he wants to come, you guys can to. If you want to, I mean I'm not forcing you to go. Over all it is your-"

"Ok, we will tell him." Liam cuts off my rambling. They walk back into my house and slam the door and it clicks.

They locked me out of my house. I thought this was my house. Damn. 

That was last Saturday, this Friday is my graaduation. I haven't heard anything from any of them all week. I don't even know if they will come. 

"Harry!" I hear my mom downstairs. "Can you come down? We want to talk!" 

Damn it. I thought I got them off my back. I don't want to talk to them. Especially my step-dad. That sounds like hell. What if they tell me to leave? I have no where to go. Zayn doesn't want to see me, I can't go to Liam and Niall's house. 

Just go talk. 

So, that;s what I did. I walked downstairs. 

"What?" I ask harshly.

"How long are you staying here? Since you got your stuff, we assumed you moved out." My mpther says.

"I don't know. My guess is two more weeks. If Zayn doesn't show up by then, I'll go get my stuff and get my own apartment." 

"Who is Zayn?" 

"Depends. Who do you think he is?" I counter.

"Your roomate." She answers.

"I would call it some what more of a 'I share a room with hi, we have kissed, and he may or may not be my boyfriend' type of relationshp." I said using qoutes.


"Can I go back into my room now?" I ask, annoyed. I don't even wait for an answer. Mostly because my step-dad walked into the room, and last time I talked to him he hit me. And this time, I wouldn't have Zayn to run to.

~~Friday; at Harry's graduation~~ 

While sitting on stage, I didn't bother to look for Zayn. He didn't try to contact me all week. 

So, here I sit until they call my name. I never realized how many people were seniors until now. It is taking an extremely long time to get to 'S'. They are only at 'M'. 

"Harry." The person sitting next to me whispers.


"Why don't you look happy? You're graduating." He asks.

"Someone that I really wanted to be here didn't come." The boy didn't say anything after that.

Ten minutes later they get to my name.

"Harry Styles." The announcer person says. People begin to clap, but a group sitting on the left side in the front strt screaming and cheering, over powering everyone.

"HARRY!" Says one.

"GO HARRY!" Says, the next.

"I LOVE YOU!" Says the third. 

They came, they actually came. I walk across the stage and get my diploma and everything. Not once breaking eye contact with Zayn. He has short sleeves and and I can roughly make out a bandage type thing wrapped around his arm.

I sit back down smiling more than I think I ever have.

"They came, I assume?"

"Yes, they did."  I zone out looking at Zayn.

"May I present the graduating class of 2014!" THe announcer announces. We all stand up. Some people throw their hats others don't.  The majority of the class try to make it off the stage, and parents try to make it out the door. Including mine. I just save myself trouble and jump off the stage and run to where Zayn is standing. 

I don't even bother talking to him I just hug him and stopped moving. 

"I love you too." I mumbled into his shirt. "Why did you leave?" I'm not even mad anymore. 

"I had a giant gash in my arm, I didnt want you to see me when I could barely move." He explains.

"Ok, can I come home?" 

"Obviously, it's your house too." I grab his hand and we just walk home. Liam and Niall was walking behind us, they eventually split off and walked back to their house. 

"We're home." Zayn whispered when we got there.

"Yeah. And we never have to leave."

Tally MarksWhere stories live. Discover now