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Hannah had always loved the beach. She adored the monstrous roar of the surf crashing onto the sand, spraying a cool salty mist onto her face. The wind teased her long auburn curls and attempted to chill her bones, but Hannah no longer felt the cold, the wind could not chill a body that was no longer living.

She had been a vampire now for 6 months and hated it. She hated that she had to consume human blood in order to survive, she hated having to lie to her family, she hated never being able to feel the heat of an embrace of a lover's kiss or a comforting hug but must importantly Hannah hated that she would have to endure this retched life for all of eternity.

There amongst the sand she pondered her despicable existence until an intoxicating copper odour engulfed her nostrils. Her head shifted towards the smell as her eyes scanned the beach looking for the location in which the smell had come from.

In a far off distance Hannah saw a crumbled figure of a human body. Within seconds of noticing the body she was beside, it her animalistic instincts making her body go into hyper drive. The man was a drunk, his once glamorous suit infected with holes. His pores oozed with alcohol but she didn't care for it was that glorious trail of scarlet trickling down his forehead that controlled her attention.

The drunkard pitifully whimpered as Hannah pressed her cool lips to his forehead. He began to struggle thrashing his body around with the little energy had left. She had no time for this inconvenient struggle. Hannah placed her hands on his cheeks and drew him near, she consumed the fear that had momentarily paralyzed his body and with a demonic smile she snapped his neck to the side and pierced the vein with her fangs.

She greedily drained his blood with much enthusiasm. She knew this was wrong and she hated herself for reacting to such primal instincts but try as she might all she could hear was the gurgling thud of the blood pulsing through his veins and into her mouth she was too intoxicated by the pure thrill of the kill to ever want to stop.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2017 ⏰

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