Reiji x popstar!reader

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Warning: Hint of slight abuse incase your uncomfortable with that <:
She always felt the cold stare her father, Reiji, gave her. By now the young vampire had gotten used to it however, it didn't effect her. (Y/n) knew he hated the fact her dream was to become a pop idol, he told her that she was following in the footsteps of that idiotic Mukami.

It was on this particular day that he crossed the line. (Y/n) sat on her bed, weeping, her face a vibrant red which matched the eyes that glared down at her, tears spilled over her eyelids.
"Your a disgrace" Reiji muttered, holding a belt in his left hand whilst the other rested on his hip. The daughter he thought so lowly of had bruising on her left check and blood trickled down the side of her quivering mouth.
"I expect you to snap out of this ridiculous habit immediately and act like the proper lady I raised you to be." 
Reiji gave (Y/n) a final look of hate before turning and leaving whilst muttering insults.
-Time skip-
(Y/n) led uncomfortably on her bed, the darkness comforting her ever so slightly. The moon which hung in the sky casted a low light into her room, her eyes trailed to the half packed suitcase that was sat on the chair in the far end of the room. This was it, she had made her decision.

(Y/n) had packed the last of her necessities and forced the suitcase shut. Perhaps she'd move to the demon world for a bit...maybe not, that would be to obvious, only if her father even bothered to look for her.
The small girl made her way down the ominous hallway, paintings seemingly watching her escape, it sent slight anxiety to her heart, the feeling of being watched harshened as she had made her way to the double doors. Setting the suitcase down onto the floor, she cringed at the slight echo it made before pulling on her coat and re-doing her shoe laces. Picking the suitcase up again she took a deep breath as her hand rested on the door nob, however, she could make out a flickering light in the corner of her eye.
Her heart felt like a cold hand had seized it.
"Ne, (Y/n)-San....what are you doing?"
The girl didn't have to turn around to know who it was .
"Teddy and I are curious, Reiji would most likely despise you more than he already does if he found out you were wondering around" his voice, soft, sounded like it was taunting you.
Your eyes finally met his and his purple gaze didn't seem to move.

"I'm running away, you can't stop me" You growled
"I wasn't planning to do so" He sneered "I just asked what you were doing and the consequences it would bring, but now you've answered my question I shall take my leave."
And just as quickly as he appeared, he had gone as well as that orange glow.
You shook your head and finally left, wondering what on earth you'd do.

-Time skip a couple years ahead-
Reiji impatiently tapped his fingers on his desk as he stared down at the cup in front of him, he didn't think the disappearance of his daughter would leave him this baffled. Especially since it had been a few years now. He had mostly forgotten the ordeal although sometimes, memories of his once beloved daughter would appear in his mind and he'd have a feeling of slight guilt, it was so out of character for him.
He heard hurried footsteps rush up to the oak door before it burst open, revealing that annoying redhead.
"OI, Reiji, (Y/n)s on tv!" Ayato panted, sweat evident on his forehead.
Reiji reacted a lot more different to then what you would of thought.

Reiji strode into the living, only to be met with an older version of his daughters face ,an expression of happiness dawned it, something he had never seen. He stared in disbelief at the words  flashing on the screen
"(Y/n) Sakamaki, music artist/idol"
He didn't know what to feel, anger? Proudness?
He was brought out of his mindset as her voice came out of the sound bar.
"My home life? You mean my life before I became an idol? Ah...well...I guess I can say it wasn't great, I don't want to get into to much detail but... My father disapproved of my fantasy of what I am today, but that just gave me more determination to do it" She smiled sadly "I highly doubt this fact but...Dad...if you are watching, please remember that I do love and forgive you" Awws and sobbing came from the crowd behind.
All 5 brothers turned to glance at Reiji's reaction, Shuu as an exception.
All 5 brothers were surprised, tears had rolled down the broody vampires cheeks and a small smile caught his lips

"I love you to...(Y/n)"

Hope this was ok!
Requested by @Emilywantstopanic

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