Requessssstttsss :D

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i dunno if i've already said this before but im gunna start taking in requests. I knoow this is a child!reader book but ill let ya hav a normal one if u want to request that cuz am nice ^w^ I was originally writing a Shin x child!reader but then i remembered i hate Shin and i couldn't be botherd to finish it xD  (yay for my lazyness ;))

Okily dokily then cya in the next chapters :P

psssssssssssssssssssstttt just thought about doing a halloween special....mwuahahahaha

Also question of ze day (cuz i wanna ask)

who's your fav dia lover boy? anybody else struggling with liking both azusa and kanato but then remembering their rivals and hate eachother xD

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