Happy day of birth shuu-y ;)

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Yeaaaaaaaa I definitely did not only just realise it was his bday...nope
:P in any case this isn't a child!reader tis just a normal one cuz I can ^_^


A scowl was set on your face as you furiously wiped the kitchen counter free of batter mix. You knew from the start that it was a terrible idea to ask LAITO to help you make a cake...why did you think that would be a good plan? Ugh anyway he was to distracted in harassing you he didn't notice he had left the electronic mixer in the bowl before batter was flung everywhere.

You sighed before admiring your work of cleaning the kitchen. By now it was to late to make a cake so you decided to just go out and buy one. Grabbing your bag and a coat you slipped out the door before he noticed.

Shuu (like always) was lying on the sofa in the main foyer as he heard footsteps walk towards the front door and then leave, before said person did leave however, he could just make out it was (Y/n). Without thinking much about it he just closed his eye again and 'went back to sleep'.

The traffic was worse then expected, it had taken at least two or more hours to get there and back. You started walking to the main entrance with cake in hand.
Pushing the door open, you looked around and luckily he was no where to be found. Smiling you left for the kitchen.

Finally the cake was ready (with help from Kanato since you had no idea how to prepare a cake) so you slowly made your way to Shuu's Room. Lightly you knocked on the door, silence, as expected but you entered anyhow. On the bed infront of you was the one and only, Shuu. Growling lightly you set the cake on the side before  walking towards him, you sat on the edge of the bed and poked his cheek
"Helllloooo anybody hooommee?"
He grunted before opening an eye to glare softly at you.
"I brought you a cake" you smiled.
"Thanks" he muttered before closing his eye.
You sat in shock at his rudeness (lol) you had gone through so much to get him a cake an- wait you had to voice this:
"To noisy" he mumbled before wrapping an arm around your waist and pulling you down next to him. "Besides I don't want...a cake"
looking up you noticed both his blue ocean eyes were staring  mischievously at you.
"I'd rather have you...lewd woman"

Your faced turned into a raspberry (tomatos are so last year)
And well, you didn't get much sleep that night...;) ;)

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