Blaze's Girlfriend

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A/N: blaze brings home a girl he had met and was going to introduce her to his dad. But it seems that Austin has another thing on his hands at the moment.

Blaze opened the door to his home with his girlfriend, Neo, sitting over his shoulders.

Blaze opened the door to his home with his girlfriend, Neo, sitting over his shoulders

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Blaze: dad, mom. I want to you guys to meet my girlfriend, neo......

He and neo saw Austin about to duke it out with nui, who's blood had formed into giant clawed hands.

He and neo saw Austin about to duke it out with nui, who's blood had formed into giant clawed hands

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Neo: 0_0

Blaze: uh.........

Austin: she's gone into Tokyo ghoul mode.

Blaze: um....okay........where's mom.

Austin: she's up in her room.

Blaze: um.......yeah.....I guess I'll show mom then.

Austin: it's probably best you do, you don't want to be in here for this. It's about to get real graphic.

Austin extended his claws.

Neo looked interested to see the fight

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Neo looked interested to see the fight.

Blaze: and we're going.

Blaze walked up stair while still carrying neo over his shoulders. Both Austin and nui charged at each other and got ready to slash at each other with their claws.

Insert Jojo's Bizarre Adventure To Be Continued Moment here.

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