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I groan as another rich snob walks in the door to Rio’s Pizza Palace, the small, upscale diner where i waitressed. “Damn,” I mutter to myself, “This trip to Cali better be great, if I had to do this to get the money.”After today though, I would not need to work anymore, I will have enough money. I giggle as my best friend Cacey walks up behind me making a face. She shakes a finger in the direction of the girl and mouths “What's up her butt!?!?” I Crack up laughing, only to receive a death glare from my boss. I put on a serious face, sashay up to the 40-something housewife and clear my throat. “Hi! My name is Emelyn, and I will be your waitress today!” I adjust the pad of paper on my hip and continue “Can I get you something to drink?” I ask with a smile. “No,” The woman snaps “But I will be complaining to your boss about that trashy hair of yours.” She sticks her $15,000 nose in the air and stomps to the kitchen. I look in the mirror my mouth hanging open. Earlier that year I had dyed the back of my hair hot pink, which I thought looked good with my dirty blond hair. Well I guess nothing is ever good enough for people like that, I thought with a sigh. Then it hit me. Even if I were to get fired I would still get my paycheck, as this hit me a devious plan formed in my head. The snobby housewife made her way back to the table and sat down with a huff. “I want a water.” she said simply. I smiled and practically skipped to the kitchen. See snobs will do anything to make your life harder so I knew that if I gave her ice she wouldn't want it, so I filled up a cup, with 6 pieces of ice. I marched back to her table and handed her the watter. “No ice.” She sneered. “Let me get you another.” I smiled sweetly,taking the water. I pulled back my arm and dumped the water everywhere, all over her. She gasped and stood up. “Y-Y-YOU LITTLE BI-BRAT!” She screamed, but everyone in the diner clapped. I smirked and Cacey came over to give me a hug. In sync we ripped of our aprons and through them at Rio, who had a look of disbelief on his face. “ADIOS, WE CALIFORNIA BOUND BI****S.” I cried. Me and Cacey ran out of the room into the cool beginning of summer breeze.

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