1. Abandoned

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Ever wondered how it feels to be bullied everyday? Ever wondered how much physical and emotional pain it costs? Well, if you ask Do Kyungsoo, he will be able to write over a thousand pages of it.

Do Kyungsoo, the one whose eyes are as big and innocent like an owl's. Do Kyungsoo, the one whose lips are plump and just looks so soft. As if Kyungsoo is a whole cuteness package, he has a small build and is shorter than other males, making him look like a little child when he stands in between guys around his age. His cheeks are a little puffy and when he smiles, girls could faint on the spot.

However, this is the world of cruelty, violence and well, fantasy and people do not go for looks but for power. You see, Do Kyungsoo is not your typical human. In fact he is not human at all. Kyungsoo is a wolf. No, he is not those big fat ass werewolves you see in Twilight or other fantasy movies. Kyungsoo is just a typical wolf size. Normal wolves do not have the ability to shift but Kyungsoo is not your typical wolf too. He, together with his parents and the pack are shape shifters. They preferred to be called shape shifters than werewolves.

When you think about shape shifters, you will think about human changing to another shape but not in this world. Here, only special wolves can change into the form of human and they are called the shape shifters. They are stronger and swifter than normal animals and human, making them the superior race. Animals respected them and some humans fear them while the rest look up to them. They are a bit bigger than normal wolves but because Kyungsoo has a small build, his size is just like a normal wolf.

However, the GreyRaven pack treats Kyungsoo like a normal human or a normal wolf and not a shape shifter. Kyungsoo is a kind hearted boy and he never believed in violence. His parents had taught him how to fight and how to defend himself but Kyungsoo has never hurt anyone. He just could not. He rather talked to them to solve the problem then to use his fist, or his paw. This is the reason why the GreyRaven pack decided to treat Kyungsoo like he was their maid. They made him do the chores and they made him cook. They bullied him but Kyungsoo did not fight back and did not say anything. He could not say anything as he was afraid that the alpha of the pack may kick him out of the pack and he would have no place to go.

His parents tried to protect their son at first but they soon gave up. Not only did the bullying never stopped, Kyungsoo did not even bother to defend himself so Mr and Mrs Do saw no point in helping their son. If this is what he wants then this is what he will get.

"Kyungsoo! Hurry up! The guests are coming!" The alpha barked and Kyungsoo bowed before running into the huge kitchen to prepare some tea and snacks for the guests. He heard the doorbell and soon came in the guests. Kyungsoo grimaced when the smell of cigarettes and alcohol hit his nose. Kyungsoo did not like anything that is unpleasant.

"Let's go to my office to sit, the tea and snacks will be here soon." Kyungsoo heard his alpha said to his guests as they walked past the kitchen and he knew that it was his cue to bring the food. Knocking onto the office door twice, the alpha asked him to come in and Kyungsoo timidly went to them. There were 3 people in the room, his alpha sitting on the left side of the table while the 2 guests sitting on the right. He carefully placed the cups and plates on the table and bowed before turning around to walk away.

"Wait." A foreign voice stopped him and Kyungsoo stood rooted to the ground. "Turn around." The voice commanded and Kyungsoo did as told. He turned around just to see a man around 40 years old in front of him. He moved so fast that Kyungsoo did not even hear him move. Without Kyungsoo's consent, the stranger reached out and gently grabbed onto Kyungsoo's chin, tilting the poor boy's head however he wished. A smirk appeared on the stranger's face and he let go of Kyungsoo's chin.

"I found him." The stranger looked at the alpha and he almost chocked on his tea after hearing his guest's word.

"I thought you are looking for a daughter-in-law? Kyungsoo's not a girl." The alpha stated the obvious.

"Of course I'm looking for a daughter-in-law. This boy is not for my son but for me." The guest laughed and Kyungsoo's eyes widened so much that it looked like it would pop out of its socket.

"Sure, take him." The alpha did not even bother to defend his pack member from this sick pervert in front of Kyungsoo.

"No! Please sir! Don't send me away!" Kyungsoo immediately got onto his knees to beg his alpha. The alpha rolled his eyes and placed his cup on the table.

"Listen boy. You should be lucky that someone wants you. Now, go and pack your bags and leave with Mr Kim here."

"Please sir! I will do anything you ask! Just don't send me away!" Kyungsoo was on the verge on crying when Mr Kim easily lifted the poor boy by grabbing his arm.

"Don't worry, I'll take care of you so well you will be begging for more." Mr Kim smirked and smashed his lips to Kyungsoo's. Kyungsoo struggled against his hold and tried to push the man away but Mr Kim had a strong hold on Kyungsoo. When Mr Kim forced his tongue into Kyungsoo's mouth, Kyungsoo could taste the alcohol and cigarettes and felt like throwing up. Throwing up in this pervert's mouth sounded like a great idea but Kyungsoo bit the man's lips hard; so hard that he managed to draw some blood.

"You bitch!" Mr Kim slapped Kyungsoo and he fell to the ground due to the impact. Kyungsoo wiped his mouth, still flabbergasted by the fact that his virgin lips were attacked by an old pervert. He looked up to see Mr Kim and could see that the man was angry.

"Kim, let's not fight over a small boy, shall we?" The alpha stepped in, not because he wants to protect Kyungsoo but because he was afraid that their relationship might go bad because of Kyungsoo.

Mr Kim glared at Kyungsoo for a few more seconds before looking at the alpha. "I did not know this is how you teach your pups, Lee. I expected a better upbringing. I better see you punish him."

Kyungsoo looked up to meet his alpha in the eyes. He wanted to beg for forgiveness but shivered in fear when he saw his alpha's eyes. They were hard and cold and Kyungsoo knew what his alpha was about to say. So many times did the alpha or any of the pack members tried to get Kyungsoo out of the pack but it was not that simple. Selene, the goddess of the moon will never allow an alpha to let go of a pack member so easily. He must have done something wrong many things then could an alpha disown a pack member.

Kyungsoo opened his mouth to try to persuade his alpha from changing his mind when his alpha spoke. "Do Kyungsoo, you are hereby banished from the GreyRaven pack." Tears welled in Kyungsoo eyes the moment those words escaped his alpha's lips and suddenly, he felt like his whole body was burning. He screamed in pain and he felt like his right shoulder was burning more than the rest of his body because that place was where the pack mark is at. Kyungsoo cried in pain. He wanted to grab onto something, to smack himself to distract himself from the pain but all he did was writhe in pain on the floor. His ears and face was red and he was crying.

What felt like hours but was actually less than a minute, the pain disappeared and Kyungsoo stopped crying. "Since he is not in my pack anymore, you can have him, Kim." Mr Lee said and Mr Kim smirked. He wanted to carry Kyungsoo but Kyungsoo pushed him away and ran out of the office. He did not know what he was doing. All he knows is to get out of this hell hole and to go to some place where he will be safe, a place where no one will bully him or kick him out of a pack again.

Kyungsoo sobbed hardly as he ran out of the pack house. He shifted into his wolf form so he could run faster. He did not know where he was going but he did not really care. He just ran as fast and as far as his legs could carry him. He just wanted to be safe, to be free and to be loved.

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