My Heart and Brain

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The love I have for you is like the ocean
Yet the love you have for me is like a pond

I need to let you go
But my heart is saying no

My heart is stupid
It does not know logic

Yet for some reason
My heart is in charge of happiness
Even when my brain is saying no

But when I get sad
My heart leaves and its only my brain and I
Left to think

Left to think about how easy it would be
To just get a knife
And that would be the end of me

But my heart always seems to come back

Back with more hopes and dreams to pursuit
Yet it always comes back
In pursuit of you

That is where my sadness comes from
Because I know
That I can never get a girl like you

So I do not even try
I don't even dare
For a girl like you
Would never
Ever care

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23, 2018 ⏰

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