Chapter 4

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So, I am gonna write back to back and make up with that 1 and half hour I lost my data.

He suddenly jumped and shut my mouth with his palms and I was frozen. We then had a lil awkward situation and then he broke the silence," Don't tell me the story" 

I laughed and I agreed.


AH I wish she were in china studying. Why did she have to choose this place?

HE asked me," why Seoul?"

To that I replied, " Well it has been my dream city and I decided on my final year college that i will do my rest of the studies in Seoul, infact, I applied in hong Kong too, but I got faster approval from Seoul and I was kinda happy to get it, so, I came here :D" 

Wu asked, "So, you can speak hangul?" I replied,"Well I have been practising, I watch kdramas and reality shows :)"

"That's nice", he replied.

So, we finished our coffee and we were just chatting and I realized that it was already 05:30 in the morning and it was almost time for me to leave. We had so much fun talking to each other. Ah he doesnot seem like a celebrity, so down to earth to be one.

I told him that, it was time for me to leave. He asked," Can we exchange phone numbers? I loved talking to you and surely would love to keep in touch."

I agreed," Yeah sure, however, my Indian number doesnot work here and I still donot have my new number. But we can still share our line ids and also email Id."

He gave me his phone and I entered my numbers and he saved it. "I hope the line still works", I said worriedly.

So, I was picking up my luggage, then he offered to drop me till the main gate. I agreed. He asked me if I wanted coffee. He says it will keep me warm and I agreed. So, on our way, we bought coffee for each of us and headed towards the main gate.

I made a phone call through a phone booth to one of our sunbaenims and he replied that he was already on his waya nd that I should wait at the main gate. It was already 5:50...

We headed out and "WWWWWWWaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh it was so cold that my bones started rattling... But I was so happy to see snow and I giggled like a child.

Wu asked,"Why are you laughing childishly in this cold?" 

I answered," this is my first time seeing snow. For the past 23 years, I have never seen snow and now that I can see and that too on my most favouriite place. Seoul really looks amazing with this lights and covered with snow. It is definitely wonderful... ^^"

I noticed that he was shivering, hell yeah I was too.. So, I requested him to hold my coffee cup and my trolley and I swooshed my shoulder bag on the front and started digging up...

More to come. I am so scared of the internet going off on me again, so, I am breaking the story and uploading in pieces.. ^^

So, we finally met... (Kris fiction)Where stories live. Discover now