Chapter Seven

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Red's Pov


I had sat throughout the night drawing and doodling everything of the titans I knew and saw. Eventually I felt sleep tugging at my nerves and my pencil fell rolling away as I slumped forward onto my sketchbook. I lost myself to sleep and began to dream.

It was the dream again. Where my mother asked me why I wouldn't let the doll go and then fading to staring at the door waiting and waiting. Then getting up and turning to the kitchen and finding the note then the killer's voice. That horrible raspy tone of the killer who murdered my father. Then running away terrified from that once friendly home. I jolted awake and found myself on the couch in Levi's office. Levi was next to the couch looking at me with a worried expression. I was panting heavily and knew by my dry throat I had been talking and screaming as I walked the haunting nightmare. I shuddered and pulled my cloak around me, rocking back and forth and back and forth. Levi spoke up in a strained whisper,"The nightmare." I nodded as if he asked it as a question. Levi wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close. He murmered in my ear like he use to do when I woke up from the nightmare when I slept over at his home. Levi picked me up and with a free hand he grabbed me a glass of water. He sat me down on his lap and made me drink the water. I took shaky and tiny sips from the glass. I was still breathing hard and shivering. Levi rubbed soothing circles on my stomach and it helped stop my hard breathing and lessen the racking shudders into frequent shivers.

He kept on murmering in my ear and holding my close even when Erwin walked in. I felt his head lift up as Erwin spoke five simple words,"Levi what are you doing?" I shivered again and he answered Erwin,"Red has panic attacks from nightmares. I'm experienced with the panic attacks from when we went to school so I of course helped her again." I heard Erwin walk over to the desk and set his hands down. A shudder racked my body again. Erwin placed his hand gently on my shoulder. More shudders erupted from the touch. He pulled his hand back as the shivers became more violent,"I see. I came to bring you more paperwork Levi." I heard papers thud softly onto Levi's desk. Erwin began to walk away and before the door closed he said,"Keep her safe Rivialle." Levi hugged me again after the door closed and murmered in my ear again. Tears stained my cheeks with wetness and Levi held my sobbing, shivering body. Levi carried me back to the couch and layed me back down. I curled up as he held my hand and began to sing:

~Twinkle twinkle little star,

How I wonder what you are,

Up above the world so high,

Like a diamond in the sky,

Twinkle twinkle little star,

How I wonder what you are~

Levi wiped the tears away with his thumb,"Go to sleep little twinkling star." I nodded as he pulled the blanket over me again. I slowed my breathing to fall back asleep again. I drifted into warm dreamless sleep.

I woke up to the sound of birds chirping. I raised my head and found a note, my medicine, and some bread. The note was from Levi in his nice handwriten cursive:


I'll be back soon so just take your medicine with some of the numbing pills if your still feeling panicked. Enjoy your bread!


I grabbed the bread and ate it slowly. After swallowing the fluffy food I picked up my medicine and drank it with two numbing pills. I pushed away the tray and curled up on the couch, snuggling in the lingering warmth of the blanket. My mind wandered and thought of remnanets of my childhood with my mother. I smirked at the happy thoughts of my mom teaching me how to be a rugby tomboy. The door to the office opened and Levi came in holding a box, papers stacked ontop but something inside too. Then a woman came walking in after him. It struck me almost admediately who the woman was. "Mom?" I said in a barely audible whisper. She swept me up in a hug even though I was almost bigger than her. I smiled and I almost heard a smile in Levi's voice,"Told you I would be back soon." I shuddered and began to start to have another panic attack due to overwhelming happiness of seeing my mother. It almost felt surreal to me. I collapsed to my knees still shuddering hard and felt Levi wrap his arms around me again to pick me up. I held onto his arms as he helped me stand. I shivered hard as he murmered in my ear to calm me. My mom too wrapped her arms around me. I shuddered and my breathing came out hard. I couldn't believe it. She was here and I was here in the same time of place. She was real as Levi was. My mom was alive and she was here. I shuddered when I heard a small bark. My breathing caught in my throat when I heard the noise again. I shuddered one more time and felt my body loosen from it's tenseness. Levi loosened his grip as so did my mom. The bark came again and Levi snapped,"Shut up you little brat." The barking still came and I giggled,"I was wondering where that side of Levi went." My mom giggled at my remark. Levi pushed the papers off the box and held up a white and light brown speckled puppy by it's scruff. It barked softly again and Levi handed it to me. He cleaned his hands,"Filthy." I giggled again and the puppy wagged his small tail against my stomach.

Levi turned back to me,"Red I got you a pet because there said they can relieve stress. You've been under a lot of stress lately and the puppy was homeless, wandering in the slums. So there you go Red. Stress relieving doggy at your service."

I smiled and nuzzled her little head. The little puppy rubbed her nose on my chin and licked it making me chuckle. My mom hugged me again and whispered,"I have to go now but I'll see you soon." I nodded and she swept out of the room. I turned back to Levi,"Got any shampoo and a sink I can borrow?" He glared daggers at me,"Your going to wash that mutt in my sink?!" I smiled,"Yup." I said as I plugged the sink drain and started to fill it with water. He angrily sighed and mumbled as he went to grab some shampoo. When the sink was full enough I set the pup into the sink. She sat down and started to drink the water,"Hey silly you can't drink your own bathwater." I said as I lifted her head up. I began to dampen her short fur with water when Levi placed a shampoo and conditioner bottle next to the sink. I rubbed shampoo into the pup's fur and rinsed then conditioner and rinsed. Levi also conveintly grabbed a towel and i picked her up by the scruff and placed her on it. She shook herself getting water on me and the counter. I chuckled as I wrapped her in the towel. I whispered in her soft ear,"Levi's going to be pissed when he sees the water on the counter." Right then Levi spoke,"What are you whisperin ab- Hey!" I retreated to the couch as Levi stomped to the sink and began to dry it off and clean it. I watched amused. I was lost in thought again and eventually fell asleep again.

-A few weeks later-

I rolled out of bed onto the floor and banged my hip. I groaned and stood up. I groggily changed into my uniform. The dog whoch I had decided to name Owel (said like Owl) woofed softly from the corner of the room. I pat her head after slipping my pants and shirt on,"Expidition time." I buckled my belts on and slid on my boots. I attached my maneveur gear and buttoned my cloak on. It was the uniform cloak instead of my other cloak. I ran my fingers over the fabric of my other cloak. I pat Owel's head and kissed her soft muzzle,"I'll be back hun, be a good girl." She whined as I pat her head again and swept out of the room. I headed to the stables where everyone else was saddling up horses. I had a horse named Midnight who I had grown close to. I was tacking up Midnight when familiar arms wrapped around me. I smirked,"Eren I swear if you keep getting better at sneaking up on me I'm going to have to give you a cow bell so I can hear you coming from miles away." Eren chuckled and kissed the top if my head,"I can feel the love." I shoved him playfully. He smirked,"Come on Red your still yourself? I was wishing you got Alzeheimers to forget that attitude of yours." I punched him,"Yeah right then I'd forget everything including you doofus." He laughed and walked back to the horse he was riding. I finished strapping on her saddle and struggled to get onto her towering stature. I mumbled,"Oh great." I tried to scramble up onto her saddle and felt someone boost me up onto Midnight's back. I looked back down to see Eren,"Maybe you need a pony Red, then you maybe will be able to get up onto her back. But just maybe." "Shut it Jaeger." I retorted. He chuckled and walked away to mount his horse. I patted Midnight's side,"Get ready girl, we've got an expidition ahead. Expidition 51."

{a/n: Sorry for taking forever to update! I didn't have the time to type and I had writers block too. But here's the next chapter! So enjoy and please leave feedback in the comments!}

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