{Ch. 6} Memories & Lazy Days

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D woke me up in the morning before Dave and John were awake. "Come on, Derrick." I groaned. "Why?" "We are looking at the house today." I opened my eyes immediately. "That house?" I asked worried. He nodded softly. I took a deep breathe. "O-Okay." I sighed. Dirk, Jake, Jane, Roxy and their parents were coming with us to see what we were. We got to the house that was 2 hours away. When we got there, we were greeted by a neighbor. "Hello! Are you new to the neighborhood." She said happily. "No, we are here to look at our parents house before they died two weeks ago." She frowned when D said that. "Oh..your the Striders kids. I am so sorry for your loss. How is David?" We sighed. "Do you know our parents on a friend level." She nodded quickly. "Yes I do! They were so sweet always making us dinner and coming over. We never saw Dave much but when we did he was quiet. We always hung out at my house." She said smiling widely. "That's nice to hear." I smiled. Something was off. " Did you ever stay at their house?" She narrowed her eyes probably thinking. "No actually they always said they preferred my house and their house was a mess." She smiled. "I see." I said softly. We walked over to the house seeing a window opened. Maybe Dave came back? I'm not sure. We walked inside the house. When you walked in all it was was the foyer. There were three doors one straight, one to the left, and the other to the right. We walked over to one door walking inside since it was unlocked. There was pad locks on the windows. "Strange..." Miss. Lalonde said. "No one could get in.... or out without a key...." I mummered. This place felt so wrong. I looked around seeing blood stains on the floor obviously tried cleaning up. "There was blood...... Dave was locked in this house. He couldn't leave if he tried." Dirk said quietly. "Why do you say that, Dirk?" He frowned when I asked. "All the Windows have locks. The doors ALL lock from the outside. And follow me." We walked upstairs to a metal door. All it said was 'Brat' on it with a paper but engraved in the door was hundreds of insults. The door had dents in it. We walked into the room seeing there was 1 window that was too high and had a lock on. There was a pillow and blanket on the floor. That was it. The floor was made of cement. There were broken beer bottles everywhere. Shattered glass stuck in the wall obviously thrown. "Wow..." D mummered. We walked out and looked in the living room. There were beer bottles in the trash. Drugs in the corner it looked like cocaine. The blood on the floor looked stained. There were blood stained knives. Some of it years old. "I told you it was worse..." Mom mummered.
"I can't believe that he went threw so much hell and is still the happy child he is." Jade's grandpa mummered. "He obviously has something wrong with him after this though. I've heard him crying and people trying to calm him down." Dirk said quickly. I sighed. "As long as we are there and the people who have helped for years are here he should be okay." I said and everyone agreed. We left after that. The neighbor came over again. "How'd everything go?" She asked smiling. "Our parents weren't all that they seemed to be. They were way different." I said simply and walked to the car with the rest of them. The lady obviously was confused. We got home and I went to my room with D. This was a lot to handle in one day. D and I layed down on the bed and I smiled as he curled up after we both changed our clothes to some sweats and no shirts. I smiled at him and pet his hair until he fell asleep I fell asleep behind him. We slept for a few hours as everyone started waking up.


I woke up next to John with a pacifier in my mouth and me holding a stuffed animal to my chest and with John's arms wrapped tightly around my waist. I squirmed a bit trying to get up. John growled and woke up a bit. He looked at the clock and growled again. He leaned back over wrapping his arms tightly and nuzzling my neck. "Do you have to use the bathroom?" He asked, sleepily. I lied and said ya. His grip got tighter. "I know when your lying, David." He growled. "O-Okay, I-I'm not t-tired." I yawned at the end in protest. He yawned and sat up making me look at him. He raised a eyebrow and looked at me. "Kitten go back to sleep." I whined. "I-I'm n-not tired." I whimpered. He kissed my neck and I immediately fell asleep in his arms, holding him tightly. He layed back down pulling the covers over me and gave me back the stuffy and pacifier. I held onto the stuffy and sucked on the pacifier. John wrapped his arms around my waist, protectively and fell asleep again, quickly.

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