Getting Caught

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It's been months. Almost, almost a whole year. Sanji and Mihawk have come so close to have gotten close to being caught by Zoro. But, Zoro being dense let it go way over his head. Figuring that Sanji had gotten close enough with them that Mihawk has been, extra, friendly. With Sanji around. The end of Zoro's school year was on the rise. He was just accepted into a police academy out of state. Zoro asked Sanji to make him a huge list of his favorite foods.

Sanji looked to the list Zoro had made for him, most of them being Japanese dishes, and the other half being meat related. He glanced up to Zoro then back to the two different hand writings.

"I believe Luffy sabotaged your list." Sanji said.

Zoro took it back seeing six different meat related meals on there, "Luffy."

"But the Japanese one's are easy. I'll throw in some meat related foods for grubby hands too. When are you leaving?" Sanji asked.

"In two weeks. There's going to be a bus to pick me up at home and I'll spend six months to a year there. Maybe longer depends on what I want to be."

"How awesome. Well I'm glad your doing something then sitting on your ass all day."

"Hey how are you and that guy doing? You should bring him over to my party, I'll teach him not to mess with you while I'm gone. And if he breaks your heart I'll find him."

Sanji gave a hesitated chuckle, "Oh, We. we're good. I'll ask him."

Zoro grinned, "Awesome. Maybe I can talk some major plans to him. If you know what I mean."


"You know, marriage."

Sanji rumbled, "Oh yes, please do that."

He had the slyest smirk on his lips as Zoro got out of the car and headed to the door. Mihawk opened the door and let Zoro in before going over to talk to Sanji. Zoro cocked a brow before brushing it off, probably stuff about his party.

"Zoro says he's going to teach my boyfriend a lesson." Sanji purred.

"Oh he is, is he? He should know better to mess with the man who raised him." Mihawk rumbled.

"He even said he would convince him to propose."

Mihawk's smile faded as Sanji laughed, he turned to Mihawk and kissed him softly before pulling back.

"I gotta run, this time of the season is wedding season and I've got wedding cakes to make." Sanji sighed.

"Yeah, have fun mi amor."

Mihawk pulled away as Sanji drove off and he went down the street. He stood on the carport standing there.

"Him to propose."

He headed inside to Perona on the couch reading. His eyes narrowed to the wedding dress magazine before heading into the kitchen. He sat at the table and rested on his palm. Mihawk's lips pressed in a line while he started daggers at the wall in front of him. Zoro headed into the kitchen going to the fridge. He noticed his father drumming his fingers against the table while his eyes kept to the wall.

"Hey pops, are you okay?" Zoro asked pulling a water bottle from the fridge.

"Can I ask you something son." Mihawk asked.


"It's been about a year, is it too early to propose?" Mihawk asked.

"Dad, you know Shanks and Benn literally married three months into their relationship. Then got Luffy a month later. So. no. you aren't rushing anything. Besides a year is pretty long time anyway. Are you happy with him?"


"Then why not?"

"Something. Is holding us back."

"Oh, well. What is it?"

"We're dating behind someone's back."

Mihawk glanced to Zoro who cocked a brow, "Heh, well. You should tell him soon, if you guys are now going to get this serious."

"Yeah, we'll get on that."

So began the party.

Sanji was cooking away at Zoro's house. He was halfway through with the food preparations. While Zoro was getting ready for the party which would commence in a few hours.

Zoro headed downstairs to Sanji finishing up with the food and put them out on the trays. He grinned to his meal and went to grab one but his hand was smacked away.

"Not for you, yet." Sanji huffed.

Zoro frowned then went to sit at the bar. He perked up when he saw Sanji's phone light up. Pulling it closer there was a text from 'Papi'

"Hey Sanji, someone just texted you." Zoro called.

"Oh don't worry about it." Sanji waved his hand.

Sanji pulled some meat out from the stove and placed it on the counter. He then pulled out his thermometer and pierced it onto the flesh. Zoro perked up as his phone buzzed once more.

Papi: 'How's the meals coming along, I'll be over soon.'

"Oh your boyfriend is coming?" Zoro asked.

He looked to Zoro cocking a brow, "What?"

"He said he will be coming. Whoever Papi is."

Sanji pursed his lips, "I guess."

He turned back to the meat, "Get your nose out of my phone."

"Why do you have any dick pics of him?"

"None that you would want to see."

Zoro grinned noticing he was calling, "Oh shit he's calling."

Sanji snapped his head in his direction as Zoro answered the call.

"Hello mi corazon, how's food preparation. I hope Zoro's keeping busy." Mihawk rumbled.

He watched Zoro's grin slowly turn into a dark glare. As he glanced up to Sanji.

"What the fuck is going on?"

"Zoro?!" Mihawk asked.

"Oh you're so dead."

Zoro climbed over the counter tossing away Sanji's phone.

Mihawk bolted from his office and out of the room. He darts down the stairs earning Shanks attention.

"Oi, oi. Where's the fire!" Shanks called.

Mihawk turned to him from the doors, "Zoro found out. I have to get home, he's alone with Sanji."

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