Goodbye Son of Mine

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A/N: should I upload the last chapter too?
The night before Zoro's leaving was the biggest party Mihawk had ever hosted. Friends and family had come, Sanji was once again fixing up food. While Mihawk sat at the dining table putting together a little momento to Zoro.
Sanji stretched putting the last of the meal into the fridge before turning to Mihawk. He went up behind him wrapping his arms around his shoulders. Looking to the poster, there was a bunch of Zoro's childhood pictures. A few had Sanji in them from high school or them getting into college. Sanji had to send Mihawk those ones. He kissed Mihawk's cheek before running a hand down his chest.

"It looks good, Zoro will love it." Sanji purred.

"I hope so, it took me two hours." Mihawk grunted.

"Well if he doesn't like it then I like it."

He kissed down Mihawk's neck earning a playful purr of Mihawk leaning into the kisses.

"Okay don't be gross." Zoro grunted.

Sanji pulled back as Zoro went to check out his poster. He chuckled looking to the old pictures.

"Ha, that's right you were my prom date. Ah good times." Zoro chuckled.

Sanji nudged him, "Remember when we spiked the punch and everyone got drunk?"

Zoro laughed, "that's right!"

Mihawk cocked a brow to the boys, "You did what?"

Zoro and Sanji pursed their lips glancing to each other then back to Mihawk.


"I'll ignore that. Anyway, your guests should be here soon. You better go get dressed."

Zoro grunted going upstairs to get dressed, Sanji hummed sitting beside Mihawk. They kissed softly before Sanji pulled back and patted his cheek.

"I'm gonna go get ready, as should you. So. come on."

Sanji took his hand as they headed upstairs to Mihawk's room.

Zoro heads out of his room in his nice button up and pants and heads downstairs. Where his first guest arrives. Zoro heads down to the door and opens it to Luffy, Shanks, and Benn. He lets them in. and within the hour almost everyone is there. But Mihawk and Sanji still haven't come down to greet their guests.

"What the hell is taking them so long?" Zoro grunted.

"Probably fucking." Shanks nodded.

"Stop, I don't need a mental picture."

"Hey you asked."

Zoro rolled his eyes, Shanks then headed upstairs to get the hosts of the party. He went to knock on the door when it slightly opened. He furrowed seeing Sanji cupping his mouth with a surprised look on his face. While Mihawk knelt before him, Sanji nodded before they embraced. Shanks smirked pushing open the door.

"Well there you guys are!"

They snapped to Shanks walking into the room. Mihawk got up as he pulled Shanks out of his room. Sanji stayed upstairs to finish getting dressed.

"What was going on there?" Shanks purred.

"Why don't you shut up and pretend it didn't happen." Mihawk glared.

He grinned, "Did you propose?"

"I'm gonna kill you."

Mihawk went and greeted his guests as Sanji soon stepped downstairs. Shanks witnessed Sanji drop something down his shirt and pat his chest. Shanks stood at the bottom of the stairs earning Sanji's attention. He handed him a red solo cup and grinned.

"I've been told not to accept drinks, from you." Sanji said.

"Oh come on, it's a party. Live a little." Shanks chuckled.

Sanji took the cup before a hand took it away from him. Zoro stood beside him holding the cup. Shanks frowned. Sanji started off for the party while Shanks watched him go.

"Don't offer your drinks to him. He's a lightweight." Zoro huffed.

Shanks lit up, "You don't say."

The party was going smoothly. People having a good time or getting drunk. Shanks was having a hard time getting Sanji to spill the beans about the engagement. So he slipped in some alcohol into Sanji's drink. And when he went out to smoke, Shanks wanted answers.

He giggled softly lighting his cigarette. As Shanks sat next to him, he struggled to light his cigarette. Shanks helped him without burning each other. Shanks flicked away the flame as Sanji took an inhale of his cigarette.

"Great party huh?" Shanks grinned.

Sanji giggled, "The best."

"Did, anything happen tonight to make it. The best."

He giggled once more before glancing around. Sanji turned to Shanks taking another drag of his cigarette.

"If your talking about the engagement. I'm not telling you."

Shanks grinned, "Ha! I knew it!"

Sanji froze, "Ah. I. Don't tell Mihawk you know. It's supposed to be a secret and-"

"Oh of course I won't tell anyone."

As the morning was on the rise. Zoro was leaving. His bags packed as his bus was on the way to pick him up. Sanji and Mihawk shared a morning brew of coffee together before he had to leave. They embraced before Zoro had to leave. Once he left Mihawk pulled the chain away from Sanji's neck. Revealing the silver ring around his neck, he unclasped the ring and slipped it on to his finger.

"We have two years."

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