Olive Bar

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"I thought you couldn't come." a voice said.

"My mom knows a couple of people sooo, I was able to get in," I said turning around And it was Tiffany standing there smirking at me. I smiled then she pulled me into her and we hugged.

"I really was hoping you could, you wanna go back to my hotel," she said smiling I looked at her then looked around the club at everyone looking at us. The music was loud enough to where no one could hear us but still not loud enough to where she wouldn't be able to hear me mumble and I did.

"Why me and aren't you supposed to be working?"

"I can hear you, you know that right? And all my contract says is I have to show my face and I did. I've been here a good hour or two I don't have to stay all four." she looked at me and smirked.

"Sorry. Sure I would love to go back to your hotel." She grabbed my hand then started walking, her people started to follow then some of her security ran in front of us. I felt like the president but with less secret service.

"We're going back to the hotel. she's one of the models from the Boutique. I just wanna talk to her about everything and ask her some questions." She said to her assistant that was looking at me and her confused.

At the hotel

"Sooo, what did you wanna talk about?" I said looking at her sitting on the other side of the couch. She just looked at me it went from being a curious look to a seductive one." You like girls?" She said looking into my eyes from her side of the couch.

"Why would you ask me something like that?" I said trying to see where her head was at? She sat up like she was being quizzed on a test. I looked at her awaiting an answer.

" I..Fuck it, I saw you at the thing then Once you posted us on your page I stalked your page." She said as she looked down. "An I saw a couple of posts and comments and they kinda gave me that vibe." After she said that I just looked at her. She looked down then back at me and did that a good four times.

"Say something please?" She exclaimed I looked at her then at the door. "Please don't leave. I'm sorry we can change the subject." She started fidgeting with her hands.

"Yea, I like girls. What's it to yah?" I said looking at her it felt good making her nervous. She smirked as she got up, she dimmed the lights and turned "Heavy" by August Alsina on. She sat back on the couch across from me and smirked. I licked my lips only because it was a habit I inherited from my dad.

"I'm about to do something and when I do it I don't want you to say anything. If you don't like it we don't have to speak on it ever again." She got all the way on the couch then crawled to me. I looked at her shook, was I dreaming, then her lips were on mine kissing me. I didn't stop her then it got awkward.

"Stop," I said and she scooted back in shame and confusion. I got up and looked at her I walked to her speakers and played "Slide" By Me, Lovely Smith. She looked at me and I slowly got undressed down to my bra and thong. I opened the room doors and walked into it she got up and did the same.

"Get on the bed," I said in my utmost dominant voice. She did as told while looking at me then she leaned back on the pillows. "Take off your panties and open yo legs," I said still standing at the foot of the bed. Is it me or do you get even wetter when you're in control?

"Wait are you ok with this? You're not dating anyone are you?" I asked looking at her half-naked body. "Yea I'm perfectly cool with this everything is fine." She said so I got on the bed I crawled to her and began to kiss her. My hand slid down to her vaginal area and I began to finger her.

She gasped a little and slightly started to bite on my bottom lip once I started going a little faster. "Let me know when you can't take it," I said as she nodded I went a little deeper and faster and her hands immediately grabbed the sheets. Six pumps later she was moaning loud and trying to move back.

"Don't run, you're too grown to be running away." She looked at me and smirked while still squirming. I sled my fingers outta her and she looked at me then grabbed my fingers and sucked on them. God I was so turned on that I scooted back and gripped her legs scooting them to me then I began eating her out. She started screaming and grabbing the little bit of hair I did have.

"OH GOD LOVELY STOP!" She screamed and I mumbled while still eating her out. "Stop yelling, people will hear you." She sat up with my face still in her lap as she tried to stop me then I slowly did one long stroke with my tongue and she was back laying on the bed. Her back was arched like our city monument and I was feeling great.

She came and I lifted up and looked at her I cleaned my face off then smirked getting outta the bed. I went into the bathroom as she tried to speak but she couldn't. I got both of us a warm towel and I cleaned my face with mine then I cleaned her off with hers.

"Wh..Wh..Who taught you that?" She asked holding herself. " I don't kiss and tell," I said as I smirked and began to put my clothes on. "Where are you going?" She said slowly sitting up. "Look I know all you wanted was head I'm cool with that. It's not like we coulda had a future. It's not like you like me so I'm leaving ." I said thinking I knew but that was the story I was told about female celebrities.

"No, I do like you Lovely now get undressed and come cuddle with me Lovely." She said and I looked at her shook. "What did I just say? Get yo ass in this bed!" In that moment I did what she said cause I was so turned on and too shook to leave. We laid there and talked.

"So you have a brother and sister on your mother's side. Your sister is 26 and your brother 16 how old are you?" Tiffany asked and I looked at her. "I'm 19 I thought you knew that. Your about 24 or 26?" Tiffany got quite as she looked at me then she looked down. I didn't know what I said but I only saw this look once before and it was in a movie.

"I'm old enough to be your mother or even your big sister." She said giving me that look. "My sister yes mother no you're only 23 or 24," I said brushing it off.

"No Lovely, I'm 32, I'm a grown-ass woman." I got up out the bed and she looked at me like she was Stella and I was Winston. And she was Stella but I wasn't Winston. this is what I get for taking my friend's advice. Date someone older they say, have some fun for once.

I started getting dressed and she looked at me again. "Lovely, what are you running off to? How about you just stay the night and in the morning I'll have someone take you home." I looked at her then nodded I got undressed again this time for the last time and I got in bed with her.

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