Crazy for you

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Brooke laughed and looked at us "Oh baby you, you got what I neeeed and I say you just a friend, and I say you just a friend!" Her and Ashly smirked, "Ain't that yo fav song Tiff?" They both said and I snickered as Tiff rolled her eyes. She ignored them and turned back around to me.

"So you driving home or am I?" Tiff said and I looked at her confused "Home?" I said and everyone looked at us. She pulled me to the side and slide her hand down my panties. "Yes home." I grabbed her wrist and gasped trying to not draw attention, little did I know everyone was still watching us.

She moved in closer and whispered in my ear "I'ma fuck you up when we get home."  I looked at her as she smirked then I finally felt eyes on us. I looked over her shoulder and everyone was staring at us. Some of the guys smirked and looked at me excited. Tiff kissed me and smirked, "All eyes on us?" I slowly nodded

"Thanks for coming out and I hoped everyone enjoyed the party." Tiff said slowly easing her hands outta my pants and turning around. I grabbed a wet wipe outta my bag then handed it to her and she looked at me then sucked on her one finger.

I looked at her shocked then turned towards our parents who were looking at us as everyone left. "Whattt?" Tiffany said and they looked "Your the one who feels guilty not us." Ms.Foxx said, "Did Y'all forget we're staying at Y'all houses for the whole month?" My mother said and we smiled.

"I forgot." Tiff said as we all walked to separate cars.
" Ma can you drive my new car home." Tiff asked and her mother nodded then I asked my mother to drive my car home and she agreed. Me and Tiff decided to drive her old car home. I drove and everyone followed behind.

"What made you come?" Tiffany asked and I glanced at her then looked back at the road. "I wanted to be a good friend and show up for your birthday. An I wanted you to meet my mother." I said and she looked at me.

"Why did it take for us to break up for you to do that?" She asked and I kept driving. " why did it take for another woman to wanna fuck me, for you to express your true feelings to me?" I asked and she looked at me "I asked first" she said and I giggled. "I'm difficult, so I can't really explain it with just one answer." I said and continued driving.

"Your not difficult, you're complicated." She said, "You love everything about it." I said smirking as we pulled up to her house. " Today was fun and this friend thing is kind of nice." I parked the car and Tiff looked at me.

I kissed her cheek and got out the car before I could walk to my house she stopped me. "You're going to sleep early? I thought you might celebrate with me?" Tiff said and I looked at her with a fake smile on my face. " Yea I'm turning in early, I have a date tomorrow don't wanna be late or anything."

Tiffany looked at me and her voice got shaky " I..I enjoyed you today Lovely, have a nice night." I smiled " Happy birthday Mrs. Foxx, you also have a wonderful night." then I closed the door not even helping her out. I went and helped our mothers out the cars then my mother and I went into my house.

Moments Later in Tiffany's House

"No Birthday sex?" Ma said and I looked at her " No I think she moved on. An the crazy part is, it's only been five days." I said and my mother just looked at me then she spoke " Look maybe she didn't move on but she's just trying to take her mind off of you by going out."

"If that's true then it hurts even more cause I just poured my heart out to her." I said and Ma held my hand "Baby just go get you some sleep we'll go out for breakfast in the morning to get your mind off her." I nodded and went upstairs.

Next Morning  November 28

I woke up and felt like a piece of me was missing. She pretty much told me I did love you but now I'm good love, enjoy. She pretty much told me a final hurrah with you is not needed cause I'm creating a life with someone else. I somehow prided myself out of the bed and got dressed.

I finally made it downstairs and my mother was sitting there dressed waiting for me. She looked at me then got up and walked to the door, once we made it in the car and I began driving she finally spoke.

"We are late because of you." I looked at her then back at the road all I could think about was Lovely. Her car wasn't home and I bet she's out with her, probably introducing her mother to her. What does she have that I don't? What makes her have everything I want from Lovely? I was following the location that Ma put in the GPS and eventually we made it.

Once I parked the car, we got out and went into the café to eat. It was the cafe's grand opening and all reporters and journalist were in here, i'm glad I dressed semi-cute. Ma told them the name for the reservation and I followed behind both of them still kind of sad.

"Your a grown women if a little girl has you down like this and yall only dated for about a year I would hate to see what five years look like." Ma said and I felt the world grab me by my throat as I looked up and tried to play it off. We finally made it to the table and Lovely's mother was sitting down drinking some Tea.

"Good Morning ladies." Ms. Petty said and I smiled "Good Morning." I and my mother said as we sat down. The Waitress came to the table and got our drink orders then she lefts. "Looks like someone slept in." Ms. Petty said

"Yea she's been moping around about Lovely, her feelings are hurt." my mother said and I looked at her. "Didn't she break up with Lovel- What did I miss?" Ms. Petty said and my mother got her caught up,

"If my love life is going to be the topic of discussion, I'm going to need something a little stronger than some Tea." I said and a familiar voice spoke from behind me "Well what would you like? I know the owner and she has a private stash of aged rare alcohol in the back."

I turned around and it was Lovely. She smiled then winked at me "If I knew my dates would be late to my grand opening I would've told them an hour earlier."

I just looked at her cause I was speechless then I looked back at our parents shocked that they planned this with her. "Why didn't you tell me you were opening up a café?" I said smiling as hard as the love-struck girls do in the movies.

"It was supposed to be a surprise but we had broken up so I had to switch the surprise." she said looking at me "Pulse I didn't want to get in trouble for lying to you again, so I had to hold back on information."

I got up and looked her in her eyes trying not to give in to my urge. I wanted to pour my soul out to her but I didn't. I just grabbed her face and kissed her.

This is what Love feels like.

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