Chapter 6.

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Now, it wasn't like they 'Transformed' me or anything, but I did look very new. My hair was Curled, long and wavy, how I liked it, there was also a sparkly black headband seperated my bangs and long hair. My makeup was done so that my eyes popped. "Wow, so this is what designer looks like.." The stylist laughed, "Yep, you look amazing! Not too toot my own horn or anythingg.." She trailed off, "The clothing rack is right over there. We have a few stylist over there to help you. "But, can't I pick what I want? I asked Puzzeled. "Well you could, but we would'nt let that happen!" She gave a dry laugh. "Umm.. Okay?" I sighed.. Maybe this wasn't what I imagned it too be. I walked over, and was greeting by a very shrill voice. "Hello! My name is Karol! So what would you like to wear?" I figured they'd have my styles, because I would preety much go for anything. "Well I was thinking.. No no, that just won't do"... She cut in. Then she handed me a lime green off the shoulder off that said, 'Cool story Bro' in black writting. And a pair of dark wash Aeropostle skinny jeans. After I got dressed there was my limo driver waiting outside for me. For a driver, he was preety cute.. He was tall, and had black hair and was tan. He gave me a bright smile, "Well you ready to go?" I smiled back, "Where are we going? You know we should tour the city! I only have a week here you know!" W[He gave me a confused look, "Well acording to most girls, were going to do something better." I could hear the sarcasm in his voice, but I wasn't sure what he meant by it. It was about a fiften minute drive from the hotel, and we passed the same sights as before and a few other big hotels. It was amazing, but my mood changed completly when we pulled up to a big white fancy looking house. There was a big Fountian in the front by the door. My heart picked up a beat as the driver opened the door for me and led me too the big house. He opened the front door, and I was so amazed. I've had never been in a house like this before. I could hear very screams comming from a few rooms down. Then a big man entered the room, wearing a black shirt with the word Security written on it. "Hello, who are you?" He asked with full Authority. "My names Jenny, the contest winner.." His frown quickly changed to a smile, "Oh yes!" Then he turned and gave a very load yell, "Oh Boys!" He called. "Please come here a moment!" There was no reply, just the quick sound of feet comming are way. Then before I could even wrap my head around what was going on, five of the most beautiful boys suddenly appeared in front of me. The members of One Direction. The five guys that only came alive in my sleep. The Body gaurd quickly cut through my thoughts When he spoke to them. "Boys, this is Jennifer, she is the contest winner.. So you guys should get to know her. Especially you Harry." And with that Harrys eyes joltied up to mine. His eyes were so green.. So preety. I quickly looked away, feeling my self blushing. I stole a glance at him, and he was smirking really brightly. I looked at the other boys, Liam's mouth was hanging open, looking in my direction. Niall's eyes were looking into my eyes, with a sad experssion on his face. Zayn and Lous in were hitting eachother, like little boys. I looked behind him noticing a workout room, with a giant Trampoline. That sparked my interest. "Oh my god, A Trampoline! I squeeled. I ran too it, kicking off my flip flops in the process. My face filled with horror as I turned to them, "Guys.. Can I jump on this?" Then they all burst out laughing. Louis was the first to talk, "Lads she's preety cool." I smirked, And said, "Well are you gunna keep yapping your traps, or come jump with me!" I smiled brightly. All five of them ran to me.

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