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"Pass the remote"
"No this is my favorite show!"
"This was my favorite show too... in first grade! Pass the damn remote!"
"Make me!"
"Oh trust me you do NOT want to go there with me right now!"
"Well what if i do!"
"One tree hill is on right now, and trust me you do NOT want to get in the way of me and my one tree hill"
"Go watch that in the basement!"
"No its scary down there, you go!"
"No i dont want to!"
"Neither do i!"
"Get over it!"
"You get over it!"
"Just pass the fucking remote Jack!"
"Make. Me"
"Oh THATS IT" i yell, getting off the couch and lunging at him. We wrestle eachother for a while, then i feel a pair of arms lifting me off the ground.
"Hey! Chosen put me down!"
"No! I want to watch Little Einsteins too!"
"Um what is going on here?" Finn asks, walking into the room.
We all start yelling at the same time
"he started it!"
"No she started it!"
"HEY" finn yells, getting everyone to settle down. "First things first. Hands off my girl, bud"
Finn says, gesturing to Chosen, who drops me on the couch.
"Now, Jack, if i recall correctly, youve seen every single episode of Little Einsteins several times. You can get over it. Also, you guys gotta start getting ready because were leaving in like 20 minutes!" I forgot about that.
Tonight the boys were having a boys night out and going to meet up with Finn's guy friends from the cast of stranger things. Millie and Sadie were coming over here tonight and us girls were having a girls night in.
"Do you really have to go" i pout, snaking my arms around his waist and sticking my bottom lip out.
"Sorry babe" he says, sticking his out too
"but i had these plans before i even knew you existed, i cant break them now" i huffed and rolled my eyes
"ugh, okay then. but if you so much as breathe in another girls direction, i will find you and kill you."
Finn laughed, a deep, genuine laugh that lit up his whole face
"wouldnt dream of it. and besides, you wouldnt kill me anyway" he says, putting his head in his hand and blinking innocently.
"hmm wouldnt count on it if i were you"
"i love it when youre fiesty" he says, leaning down and planting a kiss on my lips.
"yeah well i dont do it to make you happy" i say, letting go of him and plopping down onto the couch.
"Thats my girl!"

The boys had left about an hour ago and i was a nervous wreck. I stood in front of the mirror, pacing back and forth.
"Kelsie, your pacing is making me dizzy. Why are you so nervous?" Sophia asks.
"I-i dont know. Im just really nervous to meet these girls, and im nervous about the boys being gone because-" i cut myself off before i could say anything else.
now was not the time and place to tell her about jacob.
"i dont know. im just really nervous to meet them yanno?" Sophia nodded her head.
"Yeah i get what your saying. But when we first met you were great! I wanted to be best friends with you as soon as i met you! They're gonna love you, trust me."
Just then the doorbell wrang. "Welp, that must be them. Lets go!"
We walked down the winding staircase together and opened the door.
Standing on the porch were two girls. One of them had vibrant red hair and the other had short brown hair. The red head had emerald green eyes, while the brunette had brown eyes. They both smiled warmly at us.
"Millie! Sadie! Come in!"
"Sophia its been so long!" Millie says, throwing her arms around Sophia.
"Ive missed you!" The ginger says, also hugging Sophia.
I just kinda stood there like the awkward human i am.
"Ive missed you guys too. This is Kelsie, Finns girlfriend and one of my best friends" Sophia introduces me. I smile shyly at them
"nice to meet you guys"
"im millie" the brown haired one says in a british accent, smiling at me and sticking her hand out to shake mine.
"And may i just say your eyes are beautiful!" I blushed a little
"oh my gosh thank you! I love your hair!"
"And im sadie" the red head says, sticking her hand out as well.
"I love your hair sadie! Its so pretty!" She blushes a little and flips her hair behind her shoulder
"aw thanks!"
"Now that youre all aquatinted , lets head into the living room and start the movie night!" Sophia says, leading us all into the living room.
Just then Ella walks down, and her jaw literally hits the floor.
"Oh my god. Oh my god you guys are from stranger things! Oh my god i love your show so much!" Sophia and i gave eachother a look. We forgot how much of a fan girl Ella is. It took her like two weeks to get used to living in a house full of celebrities, and here she is, freaking out again.
Millie and Sadie laughed at her enthusiasm and introduced themselves. Then we settled down to start the movies.
"No. Absolutely not. We are not under any circumstances watching any horror movie of any kind" Millie says.
"Yeah i agree. No horror movies. Nothing even remotely scary" i say, backing her up.
"Mmm okay. How about...mean girls?" Sophia says, pulling the movie out.
"Hell yes! I freaking love that movie!" Sadie yells. Ella is still staring at the girls in awe, but im pretty much best friends with both of them now. Everyone agrees. Right now i am sitting on the ground between Millies legs while she braids my hair.
The doorbell rings, causing all of us to jump.
"Its probably the pizza, ill be right back" sophia says. She pops in the movie and hands Ella the remote, then goes to the door and comes back with a box of pizza.
"Girls night has officially started!"

What I never knew I always wanted (finn wolfhard x reader)Where stories live. Discover now