seven; ❝maybe she's right❞

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Rosa's POV

Sitting in English class, I can't help but stare at her. The way that her wavy rose gold hair moves with her, and the manner in which she carries herself is captivating. She's simply stunning, and I'm an idiot if I try to deny that.

I catch her laughing with the guy sitting right next her, it's someone named Tony. From what I've seen, they've become closer friends while I feel like we've drifted apart.

I'm not surprised though, since Tony has always been extremely outgoing and friendly. He's attractive, with tan skin, styled dark brown hair, and a personality that everyone seems to love. If it weren't them both being gay, I might even be jealous.

She laughs again, and I take note of how adorable it is when she does so. Again, I look away from her and focus on my work at hand, trying not to glance over at her for the rest of class.

I fail.

Later that day, I'm hanging out with Cameron. She's always so energetic, and this time, she's going on and on about all of the hilarious events that took place that school today. Unlike me, she's always involved in the latest gossip and the fun side of school.

"Mr. Gordon almost fainted when he saw Andrew in the devil mask behind him!" Cameron tells me excitedly.

"Did Andrew get in trouble?" I ask.

"He now has detention for a week."

I start laughing, and remember how I had had Mr. Gordon last year for my own economics class. He was always a bitter old man, and everyone enjoyed attempting pranks in his boring classroom. In reality though, everyone just seems to love doing pranks on all of the teachers.

"Have you talked to Ben?" She suddenly asks me.

I shake my head. We've been incredibly distant ever since he hurt Aurora, and I'm not exactly eager to get back into contact with him.

"Why don't you just break up with him? I heard that he's been with some other girls since you haven't been talking to him."

I don't say anything, and I take a sip of my iced coffee.

Frankly, I don't really care what he does. I've always assumed that he's cheated on me multiple times throughout our short relationship, so it's not surprising either.

"He can do whatever he wants," I finally say out loud.

"Break up with him then," she tells me.


"Be a terrible person and break up with him through text," she suggests.

"I'm not like that."

He would deserve much worse than that, but I'm not a person that can easily deliver that kind of evil behavior. It's not in my blood, and it's simply not possible.

When I hear a sudden ping though, I grab my phone and realize that it's a text form Ben. Out of my own vain curiosity, I decide to open.

Ben| 3:47 pm
We're done dating, Rosa.

Right away, I show Cameron the text and her face turns sour as she says, "you're not like that but he definitely is."

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