Chapter 2-Let the Masquerade Begin

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"Gah! What the hell?!"

I knew I'd closed my curtain before I went to bed last night and I was having the best dram ever!!!

 It was about purple monkeys throwing pink bananas at blue dinosaurs.

Yes, I have wild dreams, so don't judge. But hey! I can't complain, I actually DO enjoy them...that is, UNTIL I wake up.

Until someone pulling my curtain wide rudely awakening me and letting to sun shine in my eyes!

 How dare someone do that to a sleeping person?!

"Rise and shine sleepy head," I heard Damon's voice beside me.

"Go away Damon! It's not even 6:30 yet! I shouldn't be awake for another four hours!"I said pulling the covers over my head and pouting.

"Aw.. That SO adorable... Now, get up! You have to go to school!" He pulled off my covers from my face.

He was trying to keep a stern face, but I could see his lips twitching...

I stared at him incredulously. What was he talking about?!

"Get up Mirabelle Salvatore! Time for school! I know that I'm extremely hot and sexy but seriously, stop drooling and get ready before Stefan leaves and you're going to walk to school on your first day. Now we wouldn't want that now, would we?"

Damon is talking in an unusual sickly sweet voice.

 There's got to be a catch.

"Wait... Did you call me Mirabelle SALVATORE?? Since when are we related?! As I recall, we did not get married. I still have my maiden name."

"Well you see, we, and by we I mean, Stefan and I are enrolling you into the high school as a sophomore. So in order our story to not be suspicious, you officially are Stefan's and my little sister."

"Damon, are you drunk. All I am hearing is rubbish. I can't go to school."

Damon frowned.

"No. I am not drunk. Now get ready or you'll have to see 'Evil Damon,' and I'm not quite sure you'd want to see that."

I laughed.

 "Evil Damon? What's  the worst your gonna do? Put me in the cold water?""

"Ah! Water it is then," after saying that Damon got off of my bed and stood up above me.

"What are you...You're SO NOT going to put me in the water," I warned threateningly.

"Oh yeah? Watch me," he smirked and took me in his arms and tossed me around to his back giving me a piggy-back ride.

I tried to get away by kicking but it didn't work, so I tried what any normal person would do.

 And by 'something a normal person would do' I mean 'something a totally insane person would do.'

So I bite him on the side of his neck.

Only my bite turned out to be a lick.

"Mira, I know you still admire my sexiness but you don't have to kiss me all the time."Damon smirked

"First of all, I do not admire your sexiness and second of all, that was not a kiss it was meant to be a bite."

"Well now that you just said that you don't think I'm sexy, you're gonna have to pay. Oh, this is going to be SO much fun!" and with that Damon put me in my bathtub and turned to water on the coldest point.

I just stood there frozen and glared. "You, Damon Salvatore will pay for doing this to me!"

Without any warning, I pulled him into the shower with me and poured my shampoo on his head.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2013 ⏰

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