chapter 3

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Just so you know it is 2k12 Raph not 2k14 or 16

It was close to the end of the year only one more quarter left then the school year was over it was Valentine's day and the school had a little thing where you could buy roses for someone if you were a guy and on Valentine's day give them to that person and it was a half day to well before you moved to NY your old middle school did the same thing and you had never got picked you had never even had a boyfriend in your life but you would always end up having a damn crush on someone and it was always your best friend.

Before you moved you had a friend who was a guy you had known your whole life and you had a crush on him from fourth grade to when you moved and you were heart broken when you had to move but you got over it once you met Raph and you had developed a uh well crush on the big guy.

You got to school and seen everyone standing around your locker literally everyone so you had to keep saying 'excuse me' to get to your locker and when you did finally get to your locker you felt everyone staring at you while you did your combo "ya know staring ain't nice" they then all looked away "thank you" you finally got your locker open and lots of stuff fell out when you finally opened it all it was, was a bunch of chocolates and a letter which you opened and started to read

The letter:

Dear Y/n
            I hope you can be my valentine because I like you a lot I hope we can date one day I put this in your locker for a reason this is a small treasure hunt or whatever you'd call it back home I hope this letter hasn't given me away yet but I bet it has.

Your first clue is this purple string attached to this note follow it to your next clue.
End of letter.

You followed the string til it got to the science room where Zola a friend of yours handed you another note

You've gotten this far and that's good but now you have to answer a question that will be asked by someone of your choice then you have to follow a green string.
End of note.

You looked around everyone in the whole school was following you so you just turned back to Zola "you can ask me the questions" she smiled "ok here is the question who told you this when you were beat up and wanted to give up on life? *clears throat* Is there anything she can't handle? She's been broken. She's been knocked down. She's been defeated. She's felt pain that most couldn't handle. She looks gear in the face; year after user day after day but yet she never runs. She never hides. And she always finds a way to get back up. She's unbreakable. She's a warrior.
She's you." You thought for a moment "Raph told me that but why would I have to answer that question? it makes no sence to me" Zola smiled "just follow the string" you sighed and followed the string to the auditorium where you found yet another note. 
In the note:
This is the end where you finally get to figure out who I am but first sit in the middle of the auditorium in that chair that's sat up for you.
End of note. 

You sat down and that's when you noticed the thin white roll up tv was down (lol I call it that sry) that's when a video started to play with the song broken road by rascal flats started playing with pictures of you then of you and Raph and even a few small videos that were only 30 seconds long but the videos included theses two when you dared him to do a Spider-Man onto the side of a building and the other one was when you took off down the hill when you and Raph had a foot race when he biffed it in front if you then you tripped over him and a few more the school was laughing and that's when you finally caught on but it wasn't over when the song stopped another one started but it only went in to one minute of the song but you loved the last picture it was of you when you had fallen asleep on him when you were on your way back from that crazy motorcycle ride and he had taken the picture after he got down the alley which hides his bike. You heard a bunch of awwws when that picture came. Soon you heard commotion behind you but as you turned around you didn't see anybody so you turned back towards the front of the auditorium only to come face to face with Raph "ahh you little diiog muncher you just about got punched" he laughed "so will you be my valentine country" you smiled and he blushed "yes I will city slicker" you hugged him and he hugged back he then pulls away from the hug "these are yours" he turned away since he was red but you turned him back "don't be ashamed if you like me I like you to and if you wanna go out I'll say yes" you watched his eyes light up "really you would" you smirked "no I said it for kicks and giggles of course I would" you watched him smirk "well then if you really mean it meet me by my bike after school we have all day after we get out which is in two hours" you giggled just because you knew he wanted to make out after school in the spot that you found and always go so no one can find you just so you can hang out in piece and away from everyone.

Time skip

It was gym class and since it was only a half day you didn't have to dressed down only put your gym shoes on (mutants usually don't wear tennis shoes and your one of them so is Raph and his brothers) you got into the gym and noticed it was tug of war and you got to pick your own teams and they were each teams of five so you went with Raph and his brothers the first match was simple to win with the tallest in front which is Donnie then Leo then Raph and you then it was Mikey. The first round was over in at least five seconds and your team one then the next round your team one. Your team went undefeated through the whole round match but soon it got to the part where it was girl's from Mr.Natives class aka your teacher against the girls from Mr.Pharaohs class aka Raphs teacher of course your class one for the girls part but when it came to the boys part it was Donnie and Leo who's is in Mr.Natives class and Mikey and Raph who's in Mr.Pharaohs class it was a rough match but Raphs side one but soon it would be the last match till school was out and the match was class against class. 
When the match started Raphs when class which was higher than yours started to pull hard enough your class started to slide and it was mainly Raph pulling to but you were equal with Raph when it came to strength so you started to pull with all your strength then some of your other class mates started to pull, the match lasted at least a minute before your class won talk about upset when it cane to Raphs teacher.

The bell rang and you walked out of the school with Raph luckily you had text your mom to let her know you'd be going with a friend so she didn't have to leave work to come get you "so country wanna take our backpacks to my house or take them with us" you thought for a second "take em to your house" you both  then hopped on Raphs bike and took off towards his house but when you got there you had to tell Raph "make sure you tell your brothers that your going out for a while to" just so the two of you wouldn't get hunted down by someone again. 
When the two of you had finally left it took a thirty minute drive/ride then a ten minute walk up a small trail but you didn't mind it was worth it. When you finally got to the hidden spot that you call olaf even though you hate frozen you sat down on the small couch you and Raph had drug out there after building a small house like structure he then sat next to you "so I didn't ask you this earlier but will you be my baby" you looked at him and smiled "of course I will your the best" you watched him smile then lean back on the couch then you got closer and closer to him so you were practically laying on top of him "what are you doing babe" you smirked "well what do yoou think I'm doing" he made a thinking face "wanting to........get tickled" he jumped on top of you and started to tickle you while you squirmed and laughed under him you didn't even try telling him to knock it off like you normally do when he tickles you. Soon it went from tickling to..........

😁😁 hope you enjoyed😁😁

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