Our Siblings are Crazy

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~A/N: Next chapter will be published next Tuesday, January 30, 2018! I should be uploading a chapter every Tuesday until the end.~

Zero spent the rest of his day off, lazing around. He ended up sitting on the couch, wrapped up in a blanket, and watching a random movie. He even made his favorite, hot chocolate, since the day was a little chilly, from a random cold front, and he had his living room window slightly opened. He was currently sleeping on the couch, the tv being the only noise in his apartment, apart from his light snores. 10 pm hit and the 10 o'clock celebrity news show started.

Currently, he was dreaming about riding White Lily through their open field when he started hearing random low ringing. Something in his dream, which sounded like the wind, was whispering to him and telling him to wake up and answer. His sleeping form started to stir, his eyebrows furrowing together. Since he was slightly more awake, he could hear the ringing louder.

He quickly shot up on the couch and grabbed his phone. He noticed it was Rose who was calling him, and he could not believe he almost missed the call that he was looking forward too. He cleared his throat and answered the phone.


"I am little disappointed. If I remember correctly, someone promised to have his phone on them in order to answer the phone the moment I called," Kaname stated, teasingly.

"Oh, I am sorry Rose. That must mean I did not miss you that much," Zero responded with his own tease. Kaname really enjoyed hearing Knight's voice.

"Ouch the hurt Knight."

Zero laughed before he asked Rose how his day went.

"Tiring and long. Actually, I just got home. Unfortunately, instead of being able to come home and relax, I have a few more work-related things to accomplish tonight."

"You are such a workaholic. I bet this is not a one-time thing. This is probably what you do every day when you get home. Honestly, you deserve a vacation or at least a day off," Zero ranted.

He was still surprised how much and how open he could be with Rose.

"I do not remember the last time I had either of those. Those sound like a fantasy to me," Kaname commented, voice full of seriousness.

"Well we are going to have to change that now, aren't we?" Zero asked, but blushed when he realized it sounded like he was asking Rose out.

"Are you asking me out Mr. Knight," Kaname joked causing Zero to laugh.

"Ha! You wish I was, but unfortunately for you, I am waiting for you to do it," Zero said as he felt his face heat up even more. He cannot believe he just said that.

Kaname could not help the smile that reached his face when Knight said that. He was currently in his office at his home. He was supposed to be looking over some treaties and some issues that fellow vampires were having but he could not focus on his work. He just sat there, twirling his pen in his hand, and his mind full of everything having to do with Knight.

"Well now you ruined it. I cannot do it now since it will no longer be a surprise, but be prepared for the shock and get ready to say yes,"

"Who said I was going to accept a date with you Rose?" Zero asked, as he smiled slightly.

"Knight, we both know you will say yes," Kaname responded smugly.

"Someone sounds cocky." Zero said this and started laughing, causing Rose to join in with his own chuckle. It was music to Zero's ears.

"So, what are you doing?" Kaname asked.

"Well I was watching a movie, but it ended. Now there are giving celebrity news, covering the life of Kaname Kuran," Zero answered.

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