Dear you,
Everyone on this earth has a a friend of some sort at some point. The thing is whether you have 1 or a thousand there is one thing that is the same in every and it's that they mean something to you.
I know your thinking, please i could go off right now and name some fake ass people, but if they are so fake why do you still talk to them. It because even thoe they might not mean anything to you now they did at one pint and it's alway gonna be hard to let that go.
I know that i have fake friends that i would ditch if i could but i can't because i don't really know what i would do with out them since they play a role in my life that would be hard to change or fill. I do wonder what it would be like just to up and leave. Just to see what it would be like to start fresh with no problems.
Best friends can make or break you if they wanted two i know mine could. She could completely ruin my life or not. If certain secrets got out i would probably have a much smaller friends group and so would a lot of people that i know because when you want to keep something between just you and someone else it always gets out. I've learned that the hard way to many time. I've also been fake and had people be fake to me which at some points it though deserved. But i didn't in the long run , that for another letter.
I just really over all don't get some people because they put up so many walls and have one face to you and a different one to everyone else but hey this letter isn't about me it's about you.
letters to you
Randomeverything you want to hear and everything you dont started// january 22