Dear you,
Do you ever just feel blocked. I do sometimes, just blocked from the world, myself or just being happy. I don't really get why it happens but it just does it really annoying actually. One second i'll be fine then the next the world kinda just stops and everything just leaves.
Sometimes it doesn't feel like anything you kinda feel almost empty but sometimes it gets to be so much. It's like all of your emotions are all going at once and i just can't really handle it.
I don't think anyone notices when i having a rough time with it or they do and just don't say anything or care. I don't really know to be honest. It sucks not having someone to talk to about it. It's so much and you feel so bad while it's happening it hard to explain.
I feel like i'm being fake to everybody around me becuase i'll act all happy but it's like someone just cut off my feeling or put them all on over drive. I don't really know what else to do though. I don't want to bother people with my problems so i don't. It probably not the best thing to do but it makes sure... i don't really know what.
I feel like it holds me back a lot. I do have a lot of things i want to accomplish but they seem harder to achieve while i'm blocked.
Nothing to good comes out of me being blocked because i just get so down and depressed, it's hard to over come. I wish i could just live a like like people in the book where the only bad thing that can happen is not knowing what to wear. But in the books i think the people aren't that happy either i mean they don't even know what it like to be sad. That's something you can't just not feel at least once in your life.
I've learned that even if i'm blocked it can't control me like i used to just let it. But hey this isn't about me it all about you.
letters to you
Randomeverything you want to hear and everything you dont started// january 22