Chapter 2

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Rey's perspective

I can hardly breathe with anxiety squeezing my throat as I walk to the glass double doors. Another new school. Could it be better than my others? Will it be filled the the filth drenched hobos that I knew so well from my last? Behind those doors, I will find the answer, but right now, I think ignorance is bliss. Contradicting all of my instincts I push open the doors.

The school is nicer than my last, but I feel uneasy, like someone is chasing after me. I'm barely a yard into the building when a pain shoots up my stomach. Like I just got punched in the gut. I try to limp my way to the restrooms to check on myself when I see a herd of animal like people surrounding a boy that's clutching his side. One of the creatures pulls back a fist and collides it bone-crunchingly into his eye. Immediately my vision is impaired and I feel my whole body go numb.

"Now you know who not to mess with you stupid shit." I hear the leader of the group shout as the crowd dissipates and I am left hobbling to the restroom along with the boy. My eyes meet his for a split second before I break and open the restroom door.

"This is a bunch of bull." I think to myself as I see my seemingly unbroken body. I feel perfectly fine now, like nothing even happened. I shrug it off and head off to my first class, hoping the boy is okay.

My first class, math whizzes by. I seem to be ahead so I talk with the teacher about taking a placement test, but other than that, everything seemed normal so I move on with my day.

Once I walk into theater class, I feel something strange. Almost like the same uneasiness from this morning. Once I sit down, I notice the boy from earlier, bruised black and blue, sitting in the back corner distracted by something he sees out the window. The vibe I get from him is weird, like we can acknowledge each other's presence without a single glance.

"I've never seen her here before, but damn she has got it going on." I hear a husky male voice in my head.I quickly reprimand it for its derogatory thoughts through my mind and hear; I'm Kylo.

I know this cannot be a voice I'm making up. Something about it feels different than anything i have felt before. I don't know what this is or how I know how to do it, but something about it seems so natural. Almost like some kind of force is making this happen. Maybe it's fate, maybe it's Maybelline.

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