Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven

It's Monday morning and I wake up extra early to be ready and prepare myself for the day ahead. I spent the weekend hanging out with Grandpa and his seriousness is quite humorous. I don't get why my dad said Grandpa is grumpy. He's been nothing but good to me. I'm glad I have him after everything I've been through. We've decided that I should study the driving test so I can get my learner's permit and then he'll teach me how to drive. I never saw the point in driving since I'm such an active human and creature. But it will be good bonding time with Grandpa.

I run a brush through my hair and leave it with its natural waves. I put on the school dress which I have to zip up from the back. I'm not used to dresses. Man, I don't think I've ever even worn a dress. Putting on the socks and shoes, I look in the mirror to see my appearance; I look fine. I then pack a small bag with a few pens and books. I'm actually going to school.

I have breakfast with Grandpa before he drives me to school.

"Are you excited? Nervous?" he asks.

"Neither. I'm just worried I might not keep up with the work".

"Braelynn, I think you'll be more intelligent than all those kids".

"Thank you. So the werewolves at this school are expecting me?"

Grandpa told me he asked for permission and they said yes. It's going to be nerve-wracking being surrounded by werewolves when all my life I've only known three. He said they'll probably question me, though. I was supposed to go with him to the meeting to ask for permission but since I'm grieving, Grandpa went alone.

We get to the school, and I get out, Grandpa wishing me luck as I do. There aren't any people standing around outside. Maybe I'm just early. Maybe they use the back entrance instead of the front. Oh, who knows. I walk through the front of the school and see the office is right there, so I go in.

"Hi, how can I help you?" the lady at the desk asks. There are several women in the office.

"I'm new here. Can I have my timetable?" I ask.



She types stuff into her computer then hands me a piece of paper with all my classes on it.

"Your locker is 188".

"Okay, thank you. Also, where is everyone? Am I early?"

"Oh no, you're right on time". She chuckles. "Everyone hangs out in the lunch area before class starts. Oh, that reminds me. Here's a map of the school".

I thank her then walk out of the office, looking down at the map. There are three lunch areas, one for grade seven to eight, one for nine to ten and one for seniors eleven to twelve. There are three different buildings with classrooms, block A, B, and C. The senior lockers are on the outside wall of block C.

I make my way to the senior lunch area, staring at my map to find the way. When I look up from the paper, I see about a hundred people, all sitting in little groups at tables. But half of them seem to be staring at me. Then I realise why. Several werewolves' scents flood through my nose, making me cringe. The other half that aren't looking at me are human.

I turn around and head back the way I came, making my way to the girls' bathroom. As confident as I am, that was a nail-biting experience.

"Oi, you filthy rogue", some bitch says, walking into the bathroom, clearly a werewolf.

She has dark brown straight hair, but it looks ratty as fuck, like she's dyed it one too many times. She clearly has extensions and fake eyelashes that are heavily coated in mascara. She has a friend standing beside her with thin blonde hair going to her shoulders and even more makeup caked on than she does.

"What did you just call me?" I dare her to say it again.

Maybe I should hold my tongue since she's a pack member, but I wasn't raised to shy away. I know as a rogue my fighting ability is exceptional.

"You're one dead wolf", she says, and her bitchy friend smirks.

"What the fuck is that supposed to mean?" I question.

"Once Dimitri knows you're here, he'll kill you".

Clearly they don't know my grandpa already talked to the alpha.

"Get out of here, Bexley". A girl comes in and stares at them.

"Bye bye, little rogue", Bexley says, with a deeper meaning to the bye part. The two trashy girls leave and I turn to the other girl.

"I'm Danica". This girl has light brown hair with grey eyes, also a werewolf.

"I'm Braelynn", I introduce myself.

"My brother said there was a rogue attending school here".


"He will most likely make you join the pack though since we don't tolerate rogues".

Joining a pack? Hell no. I'll just ask for a peace treaty like my grandpa. I thought he already dealt with this.

"Dimitri won't be back at school till next week because of alpha business. You should talk to my other brother Drade in the meantime about joining".

"If there are three of you siblings, how'd someone decide who the alpha was going to be?" I ask curiously.

"We're triplets and Dimitri was born first so that's how it was decided".


"Have you ever been in a pack before?" she asks.

"No", I say, and her eyes go wide. The bell goes.

"Let's go to class. What class do you have first?"

I pull out my timetable.

"Religion with Mr Cark".

"Me too".

Danica and I leave the bathroom and walk through the school, everyone seeming to stare at me. We get to class and Mr Cark makes me introduce myself, which I find annoying. As I'm sitting through my first class, I realise how boring school is. Also, how fucking aggravating it is with everyone staring at me. I'm glad there are humans at this school, otherwise I'd have probably ripped someone's throat out since they can't seem to fucking stop staring.



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