Too Close

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(Obviously this work is fiction and pls no one be offended when I write about Sarah, as I'm sure she's a lovely person and the character I'm portraying her as is entirely fictional)

Brendon's Point of View

"We can go anywhere and do anything we want you know," Elizabeth said to me as I flipped through the channels on our hotel's tv.

All of them seemed to be news stations, with the exception of middle eastern shopping networks. Considering Ryan disabled the LTE and wifi connectivity on our smart phones, we were slowly running out of things to do when we were alone with each other.

Sex was obviously off the table as every time one of us tried, the other would end up pissed off or close to tears. Not me though, more Beth. But it was still a bummer. I guess I really didn't need those condoms I packed.

"Whadya mean," I spoke lazily through my hand as I kicked my legs in the air behind me, sprawled out across the white comforter of our hotel bed.

She closed the curtains, covering the sliding glass door that revealed our dismal view into the dark streets of Morocco, considering it was close to midnight, and jumped on the bed, landing on her knees and making the bed springs squeak.

"We have another week until Ryan's expecting us back. And I don't want to spend it trapped in this room. Let's go explore, run around."

I turned the tv off and rolled sideways to face her.

I tried to maintain a bored expression but she frowned when I didn't respond, making me roll my eyes and grin. I tried covering my smile with my hand.

"What are you doing to me?" I groaned in frustration and laid flat on my back, bringing my arms behind my head. "It's late. We should get some sleep."

"Can I ask you something?"

She was now laying on her side, facing me. A single lamp illuminated the tiny bedroom and shadowed half of her face so I couldn't really make out her expression.

Ever since that night on the terrace though, which was the first time we had ever talked about what happened really, we've been much more open around each other.

"Yeah, course," I nodded and gently rubbed her arm.

Her skin was unbelievably soft, I'm not kidding. I'm sure everyone would say that about their girlfriends, or whatever she was to me, but no, Beth's skin was the softest by far. And maybe that's a weird thing to say anyway, but fuck it.

"You've always had the softest skin," I mumbled and I thought maybe she blushed but she just laughed and patted me on the arm.

A compliment and in turn, a fucking pat. That's all I get. That's all I am.

"What do you like about me?" I repositioned myself, drawing her in closer to me until she was laying against my shoulder with her body curled into mine.

"Wasn't I the one asking the question?" She laughed and blinked up at me.

Her laugh was great too. But not her phony laugh. The one she gave when we'd be meeting with my producers and management team over cocktails and she would laugh quietly and quick, like they didn't deserve to hear the real thing. And it's true they didn't. They're all assholes and would make her feel like she didn't belong.

Like she wasn't good enough for me.

Fuck, did I ever make her feel like that?

"Gosh there's just SO many things I like!" Beth threw her hands in the air. "Your dick, probably."

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