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Hi, can everyone pls listen to the song Kettering by the Antlers because the whole album makes me cry, thanks xx

(Closing night of the Pretty. Odd. tour, 1 year and a half ago)

"Elizabeth! Get the hell in here!" Jon called from the cabin's massive double doors that were slowly fogging up, as the cold air rushed through his feet, desperate to be enveloped in the warmth.

His dark hair was plastered to his forehead with sweat, but his cheeks immediately turned a bright red as he spoke to me quickly, the cold getting to him.

It would be like Jon to invite me inside, he was sweet and nurturing and his troubled heart knew he couldn't actually start having a good time until everyone was having a good time. Maybe he was selfish actually? Checking on me to satisfy his own needs.

I realized how manic my thinking was, but my head was bubbling and my stomach was overflowing with worry so I was feeling kind of snappy. Plus it was below freezing and my toes were so cold I felt like they would break off if I tried to stand up.

"No thanks Jon, I'm going to wait for him here." I wrapped my hands into tight fists and stuck them deeper into my sweater, wrapping the long sleeves around my torso to savor the heat.

"Oh, c'mon forget him! Spend some time with us, with your friends. We miss you," he whined, and I turned around and offered him a smile to relieve the heavy pout that he wore.

His comments made me feel a bit warmer, actually, and I finally thought the feeling in my toes would come back.

"When are you leaving?" I turned back to face the snow ridden driveway. At least a couple inches had gathered by now. It's been snowing pretty heavily for the last couple hours.

Was Brendon okay? Maybe he was caught in the snow. That would explain him being late.

The roof shielded the porch steps I was sat at so the snow wasn't falling directly on me, but if I stuck an arm out I could see the tiny flakes stick gently to the material of my sweater.

"Hopefully tomorrow afternoon, but in this weather it's fucking unlikely," he huffed and his teeth chattered as he spoke.

"I'll see you tomorrow then," I tried comforting him and smiled even wider to let him know I wasn't about to throw up my nerves. "Go back inside babe, you're freezing out here."

He rolled his eyes and pointed at me with his gloved finger, "alright but if I don't see you by that fireplace with a cup of cider in your hands in the next half hour I'm going to pick you up and throw you inside myself."

I just laughed through my nose as it seemed even opening my mouth was exhausting in this weather.

"You know, fuck Brendon," he commented bitterly. "Seriously. Don't get hung up on him."

"It's hard not to be hung up on the person you've been in love with for the past four years," I muttered to my slippers. I don't think Jon heard me. That's okay, though. I didn't want anyone to hear or know how I really felt. It just made me more embarrassed. Why wasn't he here? He'd been skipping out on a lot of events lately.

"Holler if you need me, okay?" He spoke quickly, almost sounding guilty as though he was talking to a child, before stomping out any snow on his boots and closing the glass doors behind him.

I shakily pressed my phone to see the time; 1:42 am. Brendon was supposed to be here almost three hours ago, but Ryan told me he had an interview to go to after the concert ended. Which made sense, considering it was the last show of the tour, but why just Brendon? And why is he still out?

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