Chapter 3

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"Hey Jay."
He flinched as he saw the person next to him.

"Long time no see dude."

As soon as you have said those words, he immediately looked away, making you more excited than ever.

"Hey, you do know that looking away when someone's talking with you is rude." You said to him as a smirk crawled up your lips.

"Her side profile is so hot!"

"I heard she's a model of a famous clothing company!"

"Lucky to see her."

You opened your mouth as you were ready to say something again but was interrupted because of some girl that has caught your attention.

A girl with medium length hair started introducing herself with the boy who had been next to you in front of the class awhile ago.

'Zoe Park.'

'I knew she would do that.'

'As soon as she sees someone good-looking..'

'She's on it again.'

Many girls thought as they stared at her with those eyes of envy, mixed with a little something called hate.

You just stared at her as you snickered a little.
'Look at those glares threwn at her.'

Coughing, you bit the nail of your thumb as your thoughts were once again, all about your childhood friend.

'A round kick after a jab would be great since Jay's moves can be quite hard to predict.. Or maybe I could just have us two compete in rapping but the dude rarely even talks..' You thought with a frown as you tried your hardest to come up with little 'child-like' competitions, for you have always been declared as a loser during the times he was your playmate.

'This is the chance I could get so I can show him who's the boss.. Hehehe.. Though I still can't forget how I had been embarrassed lot'sa time because of him..' You thought evilly as the smirk that was sent on your face awhile ago grew bigger.

As you were plotting those oh-so-evil things, the man named Daniel caught himself staring at you.

"Daniel~, you've got something stuck on your face." The girl named Zoe cooed. This made Daniel turn away from the girl he has been staring at.

"Huh? Where?"

"Handsome thing! Hehe~"

"Hey Zoe." The black-haired dude said.

This piqued a little bit of your attention as you have stared at the happenings
at was happening to your side.

'Oh~ Is a fight gonna happen?'

"Stop flirting and sit. It's annoying."

"Oh Zack! Scary! What!~" The Zoe girl said as beads of sweat formed around her forehead.

"Stop doing that, bitch!"

'Nice! Zack!' Almost the entire population of the room silently thanked Zack for what he had said to her.

The dude Zack flinched as he turned around, seeing that the girl he has liked staring at him, he also looker around to the side, seeing the girl transfer student looking at Daniel.(When in fact, you weren't at all.)

'I hate that transfer dick!'

'Something feels off..' Daniel thought, bervoused of what was going to happen.


As a specialty High School, your new school focuses on more practical training and work experience programs rather than going to college.



'Finally!' You happily thought as you stood up, immediately looking to the side as you were ready to beat his ass but you see nothing but air on his desk.

You clenched your teeth as an irk mark appeared on your forehead.
'That blondie's gonna get it!'

You breathed in and out, trying to calm yourself down. Preparing to go to the canteen, you saw your fellow transferee student and you've decided to just eat with him since the both of you still don't know the twists and turns of this school. Maybe making it easier for you two to be friends.

"Hey boy!" You greeted as you walked closer to him.

"Mind if we go eat together? I still don't know this place very much and I thought it would be great if us two transferees be acquaintances- or even friends." You said to him as a smile was placed on your lips.

'Gotta be friendly Y/n.'
You reminded yourself.

He looked at you, the rosiness of his cheeks running over him like a truck again.

He shook his head, signalling you that he does not mind it at all.

"Great! Let's go then... Daniel?" 

"Okay!" He replied, a little bit too enthusiastic.

Someone tapped your shoulders, making you look at the girl with braids in front of you.

"You're Y/n right? Would you mind it if uh- ifyouwouldjustsignthishere!" She said a little bit too fast.

"Hm... Sure, why not!" You replied, taking out a ballpen before signing the notebook that she was holding out in front of you.

She bowed, thanking you over and over again.

Rubbing the nape of your neck sheepishly, you waved your hands in front of her, telling her that it's alright and that it's not a problem.

"Oh- and I'm Mira! If you want help or a-anything, I'll be more than ready to help!"
Mira said to you.

This made you brighten up a little bit.
"I really appreciate your kindness, Mira! Thanks for the offer! I'll need it in the future."

You flashed your pearly whites at her.

"Mira! Let's go eat together!" The Zack dude asked the nice girl and this made you wonder if the two was in some kind of relationship.

"Oh, gotta go Mira. You're really cool!" You said to her, before dragging Daniel and with that, the two of you exited the classroom.

"Wait Daniel! Y/n! Wait for me! I wanna eat with you two!" Zoe shouted as she ran after you two.

"Man.. and I was thinking I was gonna ask if I can eat with Y/n.."

"Same, but even just by breathing the same oxygen as her, I'm contented."

"But Daniel and Y/n though. The two of them are so perfect that you would mistake them as a couple!"

"I still haven't gotten Y/n's autograph though..."

"Mira?...Mira?" Zack said as he waved his hand in front of Mira, seeing that his crush was staring off into nowhere.

"I just met my idol..." Mira mumbled, a soft smile grazing her features.

Tints of red splashed Zack's face with that little action of hers.
'C-cute..' He thought.

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