Chapter 8

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"Oh fuck, I'm on crack.", you whispered to yourself as you felt your already-harsh-enough migraine hurting more.

You sighed, before placing the notebook and the pencil you were holding awhile ago back to its original position. Feeling your phone vibrate, a smile, despite of the aching, crawled up to your lips as you saw the contact name.

"Yo DG, wazzup my boi.", your words slur for you were actually not in the right condition to hold a conversation with someone.

"Y/n.. are you drunk?", DG asked. A chuckle escaped out of your mouth before shaking your head thoughtlessly.

"Nah, just a migraine.", you replied, your eyes wandering to your notebook by your side.



"Wait, you go first."

"You go first."

The both of you say at the same time.

"You say what you're gonna say."

DG sighed, before cracking up a smile, something that he does not do frequently. Arguing with you would end up with no result, wouldn't it?

"Would you like to go to this restaurant with me this weekend?", he asked, his hand running through his hair as he waited for your answer.

"Sure, why not.", you replied, feeling the sleepiness already.

"Now that I've said what I've wanted to say, it's your turn now.", he soon said back.

"Oh- um- do you mind like, being a guest at my concert in Gocheok Skydome?", you asked.

"Finally completed the album plus, we're gonna post the teaser tomorrow. But I mean, if you don't want to come-"

"I'll do it."

"Woah, woah, woah, mister. Excited, aren't ya? I'll text you the dates then."

"Sure. Ah- since that's what all I wanted to say, bye now. I guess."

"Bye, bubblegum!"


And before he can re-butt, you cut him off right away.

Not that you haven't noticed it, but your migraine has gotten worse. Pushing yourself off the bed, you put on some clothes before exiting your gargantuan bedroom.

You could've just asked your maid to buy the needed medicine, but what's the fun in that?


Walking to the convenience store, your hearing senses heightened once you hear some kind of chanting which goes like, 'Fight, fight, fight!'

You followed the direction in which the voices were coming from. And annoyance grew once you saw that it was the 3 fucking dudes and some chick you never saw before. And your eyes widened once you saw 1 of your schoolmate relentlessly hitting on Daniel no. 2(you asked his name before exiting the store before).

'Why isn't he fighting back?", you thought to yourself.

"Stop this idiocy.", your voice resonated throughout the whole place, superiorness lacing it.

"Well, who the hell're you."

"Get lost, you've got no business here.", they said without turning to look at the speaker. Yet once they did, they were starting to sweat bullets.


"What the.."

"L-Let's go now while we still have the chance-"

"Who is she, damn ugly.", the blondie sneered, her hatred for beautiful people showing.

"Thanks, just wanted to copy you.", you absent-mindedly said before glaring at the 3 goons with all your mind, them shrinking out in fear.

Daniel and the glasses kid looked at the situation, the kid baffled and Daniel happy to know that his savior came just in time.

You took one of the kid's collar before headbutting him.

"The fuck did I say about acting like nincompoops.", you growled as your anger grew, prolly due to your still aching head.

"O-oh, we were just playing you k-know-"

And just in time, the class president of the architecture department saw the scene before his very eyes.

He walked towards you before grabbing you by the shoulders,

"You are.. a bad guy."

You turned your head to look at the perpetrator before making an uninterested face.

The fuuuu-

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