Chapter 4

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Sorry for the late update everyone. I've just moved out of my family home to live with my partner. Crazy times.

Anyways here's the next chapter. Vote, comment, add and comment.

Love you all xx

I stood between Barry and Jay. I stood listening to Jay talk about 'Sand Demon', which was approved by Cisco. He wasn't made out of sand but he could manipulate hiss cells to turn into a sand like substance. He was a bitch to fight but there is alway a way to win.

"Okay so how do we defeat him. I watched as Barry fought him. Each punch went right through him." I say, thinking about a good way.

"In a way, I never could. With lightning." Jay said.

Oh well, I have that one covered.

"Oh well Charlie can-" Cisco started but I cut him off with a glare. I didn't need everyone to know what I can do. "Can, can run-up to the right speed but Barry might be better. He's got a stranger and taller build."

"But Charlie-" This time I cut off Barry with a kick to the shin.

"Barry will do it," I say as if Barry wasn't glaring at me. "Jay can teach you Barry, I'll go with Joe to the precinct to see if we got a hit on our worlds sandy look-a-like.

"Okay." He groaned out in pain.

"Oh grow up!" I say as I walk out with Joe.


Okay so when I said help Joe, what I meant was stand on the other side of a glass window as he talked to the meta, with a newly shown up Barry and a new face. Officer Patty Spivit.

"Okay, so this guy is clearly an idiot. But he's no meta." I say as I listen to him talk to Joe.

"I don't know. He may be lying about not knowing what happened." Officer Spivit says. But I gave her a look, knowing that I was right.

"Anyway." Barry interrupts before I could start something. "Joe told me what you did. I'm impressed." He flirts back unknowingly. Ugh, kill me.

"Ahaha no. All I did was run the print from the electrical pip and track him down from there." She says back truthfully.

"That all." He says back and laughs.

"Yeah!" They both laugh.

Please stop! I couldn't take another minute of him flirting.

"Look Barry I'm gonna go home. See you later." And I was out. Knowing that he wasn't listening to me.

I walk out of the interrogation room and out into the open precinct. I look back and saw Barry still talking to Officer Spivit. I was angry, I'm still angry. And I knew that helping them was a bad idea. I wasn't ready to forgive Barry or anyone else. And I haven't since that night.



I sat in the living room with Joe Iris and Barry. Along with Cisco, Caitlin and Stine. I was thinking about what had happened three days ago, and my mind mulling over each minute of it.

Wells or Eodard was the Revise-Flash. He killed my mom. He put my dad in prison. He made Barry and I the heroes if Central City... After putting us into comas for 9 months. He wanted Barry dead and... Barry knew about all of this.

Baby Speedster: The Flash, Dash and ZoomWhere stories live. Discover now