Chapter 1

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Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year everyone. I hope you all have a fabulous celebration with friends and family. I know I did. Anyways, here is a late X-mas gift 🎁 🎉

Love you all xx

Chapter 1

It was two days after watching the video Charlie get a call from Singh. He called to tell her that her dad, Henry Allen, was being let out of Iron Heights in two days at 4:30pm. Though Charlie was a little pissed that not even her own family had told her themselves, she was grinning by he time she hung up. And Oliver pick up on it the second she walking on to the 'Arrow Cave'.

"What has you all smiles and giggles?" He looked at her with his normal RBF.

"I just got a call from Singh that my dad's being let out of Iron Heights in two days." Then her grin dropped a little. "Though no one back home thought to call me and tell me."

"They didn't try a call you?" Oliver looked as confused as she felt. "I would have thought that they'd try, not that your woul-" he was cut of by an excited squeal before Charlie was before bodychecked to the floor.

"I just heard the best news! Barry just called, your dad is being let out of prison!" Felicity familiar voice called from above the younger blonde. Said blonde was going red in the face at the fact that Barry had called Felicity before her and the lack of air into her lungs.


"Please... get off... of... me... Felicity!" I gasped out as best as I could. Suddenly all her body weight was gone as Oliver picked her up and off of my small body.

"Oh my god, Charlie are you okay!?" Felicity rushed out as she pulled me up and off the floor.

"I'm great. So what did Barry say exactly?" I say after I cough my breath.

"Oh right, just that the flash drive he got had Wells' confession and that after giving it to the CCPD He was called last night to tell him Henry was being let out this Friday." Felicity had a big grin on her face while Oliver and I shared a look, which the perky blonde caught. "What did I miss?"

I didn't say anything so Oliver answered for me. "Charlie was only told half an hour ago. The thing is, it was by Captain Singh of the CCPD, not by Barry or anyone back home themselves."

"Oh... oh! So Barry told me first and not you. His sister, Henry's daughter. Me not you?" Felicity looked shocked and slightly mad. Which in my opinion looked rather funny, as she looked madder then me. I nodded at her and gave her a small smile. "Oh wow. So what are you going to do? Are you going, are you going to surprise him... or are you not going?"

I looked down at my feet and once again didn't answer her. I wasn't sure what I wanted to do. Sure I was pissed at them all, but I at least deserved to know that my own father was getting off of the wrongly accused murder charge he had over his head. Didn't I?

"Well what about the 'Flash-Dash Day', are you going to that tomorrow? They're giving you and Barry a Key to the city each."

Felicity looked at me and her eyes had this slight shine to them as I looked at her. I moved my gaze over to Ollie only to see him looking anywhere but at the two of us. Whimp.

I looked back at my blonde friend and sigh. "Look Fel, I'm not sure what I'm going to do. And after everything that has happened in the two years, can you really blame me. Yes my dad is getting out of prison. But he shouldn't have been there in the first place. My mothers killer was the guy who I looked up to and saw as a father figure and now Barry and I are being give a key to the City, who, may I remind you, I'm on the outs with anyways. I'm not even sure if I deserve the damn key. The one who does deserve it dead." I say, my face blank through the whole speech.

Baby Speedster: The Flash, Dash and ZoomWhere stories live. Discover now