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•_•Chapter Two •_•

It seems that Jones was the new science teacher at this high school obviously. But it looks like I wasn't ready for his transfer.

The senior girls was already all over him. And alright I'll amit that I'm jealous. That the girls keep confessing are really bold, but I'm jealous because they're not afraid of getting turned down, and they're true to their feelings. That's something I can never do.

Telling him I love him.

I can't risk of getting hurt again.

It's too much.

A few months has passed since his transfer. I been getting used to the sight of him now. We never talk now ever since. It doesn't bother me as much. But recently I've been having the same dream. Or a memory you call it.

Every mourning I'm waking up in tears.

I miss him.


I believe today he said he was going to be absent and will be having a substitute for awhile, and won't know when I'll be back.

Finally, some time to think while he's not here. Then lunch came. Somehow the memory of that day wouldn't vanish. A few tears came down. I realized that the last time I cried this much was on our breakup. I calmed myself down and ate my lunch. I was glad that New Years was coming. Then I heard my cellphone ring.

That's weird who is this person? I thought when I saw an unknown number.

I picked it up and said,"Hello?"

The person on the other line sounded familiar but where? "Is this Nick Williams?" It asked me.

"It is. May I ask who this is?"

"This is David's brother."

"Oh Johnson, its been such a long time. How are you?"

He started sobbing. "Brother... brother's been in an accident and he isn't awake."

That one sentence made my wold crash.

"He... came home to talk to dad about something but, on his way back he...he..." He couldn't speak no more.

All I remember was that I asked which hospital it was and ran out of the room. I also remember I was in a panicky state. I tried to calm myself down. When I got there, the whole family was already there.

When Johnson saw me he ran to me. Everybody looked where he was going. I saw their father and he saw me. The atmosphere felt tense.

I asked Johnson, "How is he?"

"Fine. He just got out of surgery and he's sleeping now." He replied.

"That's good." I took a quick glance at their father. "I think your father is till mad me." I thought aloud.

"What do you mean?"

I forgot that even though he is fourteen he still pure and innocent. I just smiled at him and said,"Nothing for you to worry about." I messed up his hair.

We walked to his parents. I greeted them normally. Then suddenly I got slapped from his father. Next he said,"You're a disgrace to mankind."

I was used to being hit. My father would do this to me and rape me at the same time.

I showed no emotion. His mother and Johnson was shocked that he hit me. But I wasn't surprised. His father was the only one who knew my relationship with him. He was also the reason why I broke up with David.

I just said to him,"Don't worry I'll leave once I see him. Just don't tell him I came when he wakes up."

"One hour." he said. "I'll give you one hour to be with him.

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