三 ✔️

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"Ryo!?" Akira stood up from the couch as he witnessed his childhood friend slash at girl below the collarbone with the broken bottle. Blood splattered his face as she screamed in pain. The raven-haired boy stared with wide eyes, his body hesitant on following after him. Just as he was about to chase him down and put an end to this massacre, (Y/n) grabbed onto his wrist.

"I know you don't trust me yet, but please trust Ryo. He knows what he's doing." She asked of him as he looked down at her. He hesitated for a moment and looked back as another girl screamed.

"K-knows what he's doing!? He's hurting people!" He ripped his arm free of her grip and chased after the blonde. A sigh escaped her lips and she stood up. Slowly walking towards the group of people surrounding the two, she stopped as one girl started laughing. Turning around, she watched the girl with the basket of drugs morph into a demon. (Y/n)'s eyes widened as she looked around and a couple other people shifted as well. "Ryo! It's happening!" She shouts, stepping back. A bloodied smile stretches across Ryo's face as he takes out a video camera. He steps back up against a wall as he looks for Akira in the crowd.

"(Y/n)! Look out!" He could hear Akira scream. Spotting them in a crowd, he watches as she gets knocked down by a demon's large tail. She groans in pain as she gets slammed up against the concrete wall, hitting her head awfully hard. She blinks slowly a few times as her world slowly fades and she passes out.

Being cornered by the demons, Ryo takes out a machine gun from his white jacket and shoots a couple rounds. Just as he kills a larger one, the demon's corpse falls on top of the male, trapping him underneath.

Witnessing everything that's going on, he combs his fingers through his hair as tears prick his eyes. Before he could stress any further, a demon started to chase him. He runs as fast as he can as the fear etches out on his face. Feeling the blood pump through his veins, his ears tune everything out. All he can focus on is his path, the beating of his heart and his staggering breath. He can't think straight as the damned demon chases him, the rave lights reflecting off its large teeth. He hadn't dared to look back in fear of being impaled, stabbed, and ripped apart. As the demon closes in, Ryo watches the once innocent boy morph into that of a devil. Black wings shot out of the boys back along with a furry tail; an evil smirk carved its way onto his face as he tears the demon in half by its teeth. All Ryo could do was watch as Akira tore apart and destroyed all of the demons in the building.

Blood of human and demon stained the walls of the building.


After defeating all the demons, Akira finally lifted the demon up that was crushing Ryo. It appeared that the large demon weighed nothing at all.

Ryo hissed in pain. He looked down at his leg and noticed a large bruise. "A-Akira, I think my leg is broken..." he mumbled. But Akira was already making his way over to the unconscious (Y/n). Noticing this, Ryo's eyes widened. Akira crouched down, shaking the girl by the shoulders, then gently lifting her up and throwing her up over his shoulder. He then walked to Ryo and helped him up.

Akira walked the two out of the building, Ryo limping next to him with his arm draped over Akira's shoulder, mindful of (Y/n)'s unconscious form.

His black bat-like wings spread out as he crouched down a bit, then took off towards the nearest hospital.


"She's waking up, Ryo!"

(Y/n) could barely make out the voices around her. Her eyes fluttered open and she raised a hand to her forehead, trying to calm a searing migraine coming on.

"Not so loud," Ryo scolded his friend. Now fully awake, the girl looked around the room.

"Where... Am I? A hospital?" She asked looking around the room.

"(Y/n)! I'm so glad you're awake!" A boy with eyeliner, a sculpted face and a well-built frame asked.

"Who are you... Wait, Akira?" She asked sitting up, only for a painful weight in her chest kept her down. She winced in pain.

"Hey, don't sit up too quickly," The boy started.

"Yes, what Akira said. You've shattered your wrist and fractured a few ribs." Ryo informs as he limps over to her bed on a pair of crutches. Her eyes widened as she sees the cast on his foot.

"What happened?" She winced again in pain and placed a hand back on her head. "And why do I have this horrible headache?"

"At the Sabbath, a demon threw you up against the wall. You've must've hit your head pretty hard since we found you unconscious." Ryo went on in a low voice, cautious of leaking precious information in a non-secluded area. This shocked (Y/n). She wanted to see Akira transform but she guesses it'll have to be another time.

"And I killed all the demons!" The black haired boy boasted with a thumb up to his chest in a proud manner. He earned a hard smack to the back of the head.

"Lower your voice," Ryo hissed. (Y/n) chuckled as she watched the two bicker. Akira looked too different. She wasn't sure whether she liked it or not.

"So is that why you look so different?" She spoke up. The two froze and settled themselves down.

"I guess so." The male chuckled and gave the girl a wink with his new-found confidence. The three sat and chatted for a while until the girl froze. Sweat dripped from her forehead as she looked at the two.

"Please tell me you guys know where my car is," Worry laced her tone. Akira looked at Ryo as he stood up from his seat.

"I made Akira take it back to the apartment after he admitted us into the hospital. Don't worry," He placed a hand on her shoulder and began walking towards the door calling Akira with him.

"We're being discharged tomorrow, so be ready."

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