九 ✔️

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Stepping into the bathroom, the girl switched on the light. She looked around in fear of more demons and when the coast was clear, she headed over towards the large bathtub. Hot water ran from the faucet as she slowly undressed. She dipped her foot in and when the temperature felt right, she climbed in. The water ran along her smooth skin as she leaned back. She ran her hand up along her newly formed bruise. It hurt like hell for her. Blue and green patches laced with the purple. She let out a sigh, leaning her head back and closing her eyes as the demon's blood washed off of her body. 

'Knock, Knock,'

The girl jumped and looked at the door. Sitting up a little, she raised a brow.

"I don't have any towels," Akira called out from behind the door. The girl looked to the right of her and spotted the many folded towels in a doorless cabinet.

"U-uh, wait a minute," she calls back out, unsure of what to do. With a sigh, she turned around, her back facing the door. Her cheeks flushed red.

"You can come in, but don't look." She called out, looking down at the water. She covered herself as the male entered the room.

His cheeks dusted pink as he stared at her bareback. He tried his best not to look but he couldn't help himself. She was gorgeous.

"U-uh, towels?" He asked, covering his face with his hand. She pointed at the shelf and he nodded. He quickly grabbed a towel and headed for the door, but turned around. He looked at her back as his eyes softened.

"(Y/n), your shoulders..." he stepped closer. Her eyes widened as she tried to look.

"W-what? What's wrong with my back?" She asked, trying to feel around. He crouched down and gently placed a hand over her shoulder blade. She winces, not noticing the 2 larger bruises. He pulls his hand away as she sighs out.

  "What happened?" He asked, now sitting down next to the tub.

  She thought for a moment, then remembered. "The demon tried to fly away with me, but I was dropped."

  "I'm so sorry, (Y/n)..." the boy mumbled. He felt horrible for not getting there sooner.

  "Your water must be getting cold." She said, a smile soon spreading on her lips. Taking the hint, he got up and started to walk out. He places a hand on the door frame then looks behind him at her. She turns her head a bit, looking at him with her peripheral vision.

  "Listen to what I say next time. I don't want this to happen again." He says then walks out.

  She finishes up, stepping out of the tub and wrapping the towel around her. She drains the water and walks up to her mirror. She brushes out her hair then exits the bathroom.

  Quickly dressing into pajama's, the girl combs her fingers through her damp hair and walks towards the guest bedroom. She knocks on the door, earning a 'come in,' from Akira.

  Stepping in, she notices him wearing a loose black shirt and some grey joggers. He was laying down on the bed, his arms behind his head.

  She climbs up and sits next to him. "You alright?"

  He sits up and gives the girl a soft smile. "Yeah, how are you feeling? Are you hurting?" He asks, raising his arms up to help her if she says yes.

  "I'm fine right now, just a little sore." He frowns a bit and gently holds onto her hands. He looks down as he rubs small circles on the backs of them. She gives him another smile and gives him a light squeeze.

  "I'm fine, Akira. Don't worry."

  He looks back up and into her eyes. He pauses for a moment, biting his lip. Slowly leaning in, his eyes half-lidded. His cheeks were dusted pink as he looks down at her lips.

  Her eyes went wide and her face flushed red. She pulled her hands away and scooted back as quickly as possible.

  "U-uh, I'm gonna go to bed. Night Akira!" She said, quickly getting up and speed walking out of the room.

  "Night," he said with a hand raised.

  Laying back down, he slapped a hand over his face. "Damn it."

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