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Other than the angry expression on his face, he didn’t say anything. I took a gulp of air, forced some bravery into myself and continued my little speech.


“I am sorry for hurting you, when we were little. I cannot say I did not do it purposefully. I was jealous of your girlfriend or your bestfriend then. I tried to be your friend for so long. However, you would not even notice me. So, I thought the best way was to gloat and I would grab some of your attention. ” I looked to the side to take in his appearance. His emotionless expression hasn’t changed, but I could see that he was listening intently from the way his ears were perked up.


“So, I gloated about having parents, since you weren’t one of their own. It worked for a bit, and I got your attention. I mean, at least you would listen. I didn’t know it would backfire on me, both my parents and you.” I took a quick glance at him to see his gaze on me. Although he didn’t say it, I could tell from his eyes that he wanted me to continue explaining, whatever I had to say.


I shook my head and took a deep breathe when I saw my house come into view.I squeaked when he halted the car in my driveway. Before getting out, I looked at Duke for him to say anything. I wasn’t expecting anything except a mere bye.


I knew even that was a barely reachable expectation. I simply whispered “thank you” before closing the door.


His car zoomed off letting out a roar in the distance as I walked up to my driveway. The smell of my mom’s lasagna hit me in the face as I walked through the foyer.


“Mom?” I silently hoped that she was home. Usually, my parents were never home to avoid seeing each other. That was only part of the secret hidden in our household. I am sure other folks would get a heart attack, almost to the one I got when I was fourteen years old when I heard about them.


I was pulled out of my thoughts when I heard the smoke detector go off in the kitchen. Running of fast as I can, I got to the kitchen to find my mom hopping up and down with a broom and rapidly hitting it.


“Help me.” Where was Jacob when I needed him? I took a dish towel and started jumping to diffuse the air particles. I let out a jocular laugh from seeing our ridiculous actions. My mother looked at me with wide eyes before joining in.


It was probably the best moment I had with her in a while other than the fact that she was cooking my favorite lasagna.  


After a few minutes of calming down, my mother and I slouched against the countertops of exhaustion. We made eye-contact and she gave me a small smile. I would be a liar if I said that didn't warm up my heart.


"Sweetheart, it has been too long." I shook my head in agreement.


"Come here." She enveloped in her arms like I was a little girl. It felt good inside.


I felt my life was fitting together like a well sought out puzzle. I regretted saying that when I saw my father walk through the doors.


"Hey sweetheart!" I gave him a wide smile as he approached me.


"Dad, what are you doing early?" I joked with him. It was a rare occasion if I saw them together. Sometimes, I wish I could go back and fix whatever that broke them. But, I knew even that would be only possible if they didn't meet each other.


He seemed uneasy for a moment that I asked him that question. “I-I am here to enjoy time with my family.” He replied while giving a forced smile to my mother.


I glanced between them to see them giving each other a knowing look. I didn’t know what it was about, but I just ignored it, and tried to enjoy the moment.


“So, what do you want to do?” He asked easing up the tension in the room.


“How about we watch the fight?” Mom asked us. Dad nodded his head and went to the living room. Mom called out James to eat with us. Where was he? I couldn’t believe he wasn’t here when the awkward moment occurred.


I followed my father into the living room to find a fight between Brandon, a twenty year old, and Finny, a twenty one year old. Honestly, I could care less about the fight. The only reason why I was seated next to my father was to enjoy some time with him.


“Who do you think will win?” I shrugged my shoulders earning a laugh from him.


“I don’t even get why there are even fighting? What is the price?” He raised his eyebrows and gasped.


“I know something that Jan doesn't? What has the world come to?” I rolled my eyes at his teasing.


“Dad! I am serious!” He gave me a small smile before ruffling my head.


“They are fighting for the title of King of werewolf land.” I gasped at him.


He continued explaining “yah, all of the alpha’s of the packs are going to fight for the title against each other. Like this one here is Brandon, he is from Leicester's pack, he is fighting against a level one pack’s alpha.”


“There are pack levels?” I asked feeling a bit confused.


“Yep, level one pack’s are the small ones while level ten are the biggest. Like our pack is a level ten. You know Duke? He will be fighting in this one soon enough.” I wonder why Duke didn’t tell me. I mean, it is not like we are best friends or loving mates, but he could have mentioned it.

Afterwards, James popped around with my lasagna. I couldn’t believe we were watching television like a normal werewolf family. 

Got my interest back on this story. I kinda had this dream as to how it will end and wanted to really write it. :) If I get 15 votes, I will update by Tuesday. If not, I will still update by later. 

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