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Chapter 17

I couldn’t contain my excitement as I went to school the next day. Things have finally been falling into place. I just hoped that Vincent fixed his problem with Hasi. I knew she was a hard one to crack, but hopefully she forgave him.

I was walking into my first classroom, when I caught sight of Michelle and Abby. They gave me a glare, before walking to the seats in the back. I sat in the front to give us both space. I couldn’t believe I was ever like or even worse than them. I couldn’t believe how much I was hating my old self. I hated changing into a better self, but am glad that I did.

I looked around to see if Duke would be here. This was the only class I had with him. Coincidentally, I felt him poke through my brain.

Have some business to attend to. Enjoy, sweetheart.

I tried contacting him back, but he must have been dealing with something serious since he skipped school and his mind is blocked. I sighed and went about with my day. It was really boring without Duke to annoy or tease me. I couldn’t wait for lunch just so I could hang out with Ferb and Vincent.

Just in time, the bell rang. Thank the Lord! As I was walking to lunch, I saw Vincent with some roses hanging from his mouth and carrying two plates. I gave him a smirk as he stared at me. I followed him out the door. He didn’t protest when I was following him, so I ran to the tree that Hasi was hiding underneath in. I found it comical that the school’s bad boy was whipped.

He groaned catching the attention of both of us. He kept pointing the flowers to the ground. I was not going to touch the flowers that were in his mouth.

“Drop it, doggy.” I was laughing as he chased me away. He ran back to the tree with a frown on his face as Hasi just stared at the flowers.

“I couldn’t carry all this shit.” He groaned before taking a seat next to Hasi. I slowly made my presence known, again. Hasi looked at me with a glare, but didn’t say anything. So, I took a few more steps until I sat next to them. Soon after, Jake, best friend of Vincent, came and sat with us.

Jake eyed Hasi and Vincent. I noticed Hasi looking at the rose in front of her and Vincent intensely staring at her. He cleared his throat ending their staring contest. I watched Hasi look the other way. It has been a week since Vincent has been pursuing her. She really has a lot of strength to not break in too easily. I seriously admired her.

“You do?” I must have said that out too loud. She was staring at me. I nodded my head before glancing at Vincent with a scowl on his face.

“Yep. I would be head over heels for the boy if he tried this hard for my forgiveness.” I gave them a smile while responding.

Hasi sighed and stared at Vincent  with a small smile. “I guess I have been too hard on you. So, I will forgive you.” I never seen that big of a smile on Vincent’s face until that day. He took her hand in his and pulled her in a hug.

“I feel like a third wheel.” I blurted. Jake nudged me before saying “I feel like a fourth wheel.” They finally broke apart.

Just then, I heard a scream from the cafeteria. I looked through the glass to find Ferb trying to calm her down Claire, Duke’s ex-girlfriend. What was wrong with her? She had tears on her face as she looked at Ferb. I am going to snap at Ferb if he told her anything about last night.

“What’s troubling her?” Hasi spoke out loud. I glanced at her before catching Ferb’s gaze.

She knows you and Duke are dating.

I growled catching the attention of everybody around me. Ferb mind-linked me again.

It wasn’t me. Trust me. Look at your phone.

Right then, my phone rang with a video. I stared at it as I saw the video of Duke and I dancing. Shit! I didn’t want anybody to know. I knew people would try to break us apart before we were even together. It seemed they were so close they caught our whole conversation. I knew it wasn’t Ferb since he was dancing with somebody.

Jake gasped aside me and I knew he saw the whole video. Hasi stared at him and asked “What’s wrong?” He gave her a wide smile before responding “Duke and Hasi are dating.” Hasi’s eyes popped out.

This was not how she was supposed to find out. Oh, man! I am back at square one.

“I can’t believe you are hopping on my brother. Are you going to break his heart?” He growled at me and I noticed Vincent staring at me with a guilty expression while holding her back.

“No, I am not trying to break his heart. You can even see that he was the one asking me to be his girlfriend.” I showed her the video and her eyes softened.

“I still cannot believe him. He would never fall for someone like you.” I glared at her. I knew that. That’s why I had to try really hard to show him I am not something I claimed to be.

“I know you are trying to be protective of your brother. Trust me. But, my intentions are clear. I really do like him. You can even ask Ferb.” Soon as I spoke his name, Ferb showed up at my side. He nodded his head at Hasi. I knew she would believe him. Ferb was really close to the Alpha’s family.

“She really isn’t bad as she seems.” He honestly spoke. I stared at him while inwardly thanking him for supporting me. It felt nice to have someone there for you. I guess he really is a true friend.

“She even stood up for me against her friends.” I just wanted to give him a hug right now. Hasi glanced at all of us before pacing back and forth.

I was surprised when Vincent defended me “She wasn’t trying to break us apart, love. She was the one trying to get us together.” I gave him a small smile. Right now, nothing in the world mattered because I couldn’t believe I found such wonderful friends like them. I knew Abby and Michelle would have never defended me if my reputation was at stake.

Hasi sighed before giving me a hard glare “fine, but if you break my brother’s heart, then I will break your every bone.” I gave her a small smile. At least, she was trusting me. I knew why Duke loved and cared so much about her. She cared more about him than anyone. I knew she was an important figure in Duke’s life and didn’t want to ever separate them. If I wanted to be in Duke’s life, I knew I had to gain her trust.

This was a hard chapter to write. I know it isn't juicy like the last one. I just wanted to write about Hasi a bit. She will play an important part in the story. Jan has to gain her trust. 

Some of you are really intelligent. I cannot believe how close your answers were to the previous question.

So, who do you think recorded them? This is where most of the mystery and action will come in. 

 Vote, comment and share. Thank you and love you all.

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